dhobo Curator Backer Posts: 1968 Registered: 1/5/2015
# 1 - Posted on 3/18/2015 17:01:30

This could be a feature request I suppose, but I'm also interested in asking for opinions from the community here on how I ought to categorize my ps1/ps2 games that I've bought digitally via the PSN.

As it stands now, if you buy a ps1 or ps2 classic game on the psn, they are (mostly) playable on either ps3, psp, or the Vita. However, they are still ps1/ps2 games, right? So how should you list them in your collection? The way I see it, there are two options:

1) Enter platform as ps1/ps2, but choose PSN as the digital format. (PSN is not a choice for ps1/ps2 digital format as things stand currently)
2) Enter platform as ps3, psp, etc... and choose PSN as the format.

Something about choosing option 2 feels "off" to me since these games are not really ports or remakes. It's no different than firing up an emulator and playing an iso, which is arguably the same as playing the game on the original console.

At the same time, choosing option 1 isn't entirely genuine since these are distributed specifically for the ps3 and handhelds.

I'm probably being way too picky about this, but I'm not entirely sure how I want to proceed, hence why I thought I'd ask for opinions, see how others are handling these kinds of entries.

Post Edited on 3/18/2015 17:03:42
moho_00 Curator Backer Posts: 7117 Registered: 6/10/2011
# 2 - Posted on 3/18/2015 19:32:14

I generally follow option #2 (for example, the X-Men arcade game that I purchased on Xbox Live), but I could see where others might think differently. This is much more common for me in regards to arcade compilation games, like Capcom Classics Collection, SNK Arcade Classics, etc. Those are all technically arcade games (though some did have ports, the collections are the arcade versions), but I list the compilation under PS2, Xbox, etc. So at the end of the day, in my collection, it says I have Final Fight on PS2. I think I prefer this way since that's ultimately where I need to go to play the game.

If you prefer to go with option #1, I can add PSN for the PS1 and PS2 games. Although it's technically not true since PS1 and PS2 didn't have PSN, this site is all about providing a flexible way of tracking your collection, so I'm all for it :)

Another option, which I'm not sure you're going to like, would be to add a SECONDARY platform on a game. This secondary platform would be totally optional, but you could use it in conjunction with option #1 so you know what you actually (can) play it on. It would not be used in really anything, aside from being available for your records. I'm just thinking out loud (well, not really) here, so not sure this would be helpful or not.

boffo97 Posts: 767 Registered: 1/25/2015
# 3 - Posted on 3/18/2015 19:43:12

I've got quite a few (mostly through the early days of Playstation Plus) and I've just called them PS3 games.

That said, I could see that getting really confusing if there was ever, say, an HD remaster of the first Metal Gear Solid and you could download it onto the same system where you can currently download the original MGS.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to rescue the DARPA Chief.

dhobo Curator Backer Posts: 1968 Registered: 1/5/2015
# 4 - Posted on 3/18/2015 19:51:26

After reading your replies, I think I'll go with option #2. What struck me as making the most sense was putting it in the mentality of "Where do I need to go to play this" as opposed to "What platform did this originally come out on."

Thanks to the both of you, sometimes I just have this awful habit of overthinking things, haha.

boffo97 Posts: 767 Registered: 1/25/2015
# 5 - Posted on 3/19/2015 0:05:03

I kind of had to think about it myself, since I have both a PS3 and Vita and most of the PS1 games play on the Vita (those that don't, it's reportedly about licensing issues rather than tech issues, especially since they play just fine on a Vita through Remote Play.) So technically, they're just as much Vita games as they are PS3 games.

But I figured I played them most on the PS3, so yeah...