pestycyd Posts: 6 Registered: 2/7/2017
# 201 - Posted on 7/9/2018 21:56:19

Thank You very much, I've accepted Your friend request.

pestycyd Posts: 6 Registered: 2/7/2017
# 202 - Posted on 7/24/2018 8:58:50

I've got these games and DLC for sharing with You guys. If someone is interested, just tell me. I've got it on sale, but I will give it for You if You'll be first. Cheers.

+Dawn of War II Retribution - Ultramarines DLC

EDIT: I've got only this DLC left

Post Edited on 10/24/2018 9:29:38
psychoapeguy Curator Backer Posts: 134 Registered: 5/29/2018
# 203 - Posted on 8/22/2018 2:20:22

Got 2 more for anyone if they want them...

BioShock Remastered
Layers of Fear

Also, Resident Evil 4 is still left from my last post if anyone is interested.

boffo97 Posts: 767 Registered: 1/25/2015
# 204 - Posted on 12/29/2018 2:22:10

If anyone would like a key for Fantasy General on GOG and either missed it while it was free, or doesn't want to spend 1 cent in the current GOG sale, speak up.

And do so quickly because the key expires January 17th.

SockmonZ Posts: 41 Registered: 12/29/2016
# 205 - Posted on 7/7/2023 20:12:18

I have a few extra steam keys in my humble bundle account I had forgotten about. They are as follows:

X3: Terran Conflict
X3: Albion Prelude
Torment: Tides of Numera
Surgeon simulator+ anniversary content
Streets of Rage
Payday 2 (no dlc)
Last day of June (not 100% sure I've I haven't given that key out already)
Dungeon Defenders
Binary Domain

Adorabull Curator Posts: 31 Registered: 6/4/2023
# 206 - Posted on 7/8/2023 20:56:52

I'd take Streets of Rage, maybe X3?