moho_00 Curator Backer Posts: 7117 Registered: 6/10/2011
# 1 - Posted on 11/22/2015 14:09:35

Hey everyone, as I'm sure many of you have seen, the Fall Steam Sale is supposedly coming up in a few days and I thought it would be fun to have a few giveaways here on the site. (I also thought this would spice up the sale a bit since Steam is supposedly dropping daily and flash sales.)

These giveaways will be very simple. I'll post a thread with a "challenge" in it, which will most likely just be various gaming-related questions (I don't know what they're going to be yet). These will be NOT be research questions or anything, they will be more like "what's your favorite game" type of stuff. All you have to do is respond and I'll randomly select a winner at the end of the Steam sale.

So what games are going to be given away? Well, I don't know yet! I'm waiting to see what's on sale and then I'll just pick out some popular ones or some of my favorites. Don't expect anything TOO amazing since you have to remember I run this awesome non-profit site out of my own pocket and I'm paying for these games myself :P

Stay tuned...

dhobo Curator Backer Posts: 1968 Registered: 1/5/2015
# 2 - Posted on 11/22/2015 15:49:32

On the one hand, I'm okay with not feeling obligated to check steam twice a day for updated sale info. On the other hand, I hope this doesn't mean they're going to stop doing the "Fun" little extras like their idle/clicker group mini-game thing from the last major sales event.

I think Steam will go back to the daily/flash format (or something similar) for future sales. I suspect this new boring format will cut into their sales numbers due to reduced impulse buys over the course of the sale since all the traffic will be front-loaded.

edit: lol, got caught up in steam, forgot to comment about the giveaway! Sounds like fun, hopefully get some good conversation going about people's gaming habits and likes/dislikes!

Post Edited on 11/22/2015 15:51:49
moho_00 Curator Backer Posts: 7117 Registered: 6/10/2011
# 3 - Posted on 11/22/2015 23:21:45

I feel pretty much the same way you do. I would always wait until the last day of the sale to buy games, unless they were a daily / flash sale. At least now I don't have to worry about that and I can just buy what I want on the first day. But it takes away some of the excitement. Perhaps they'll do something like the Summer Camp thing a few years ago, I liked that one.