It's time for the 8th Annual Completionator Community Top 10! Check out this thread for your chance to win a $20 Steam gift card.
moho_00 Curator Backer Posts: 7042 Registered: 6/10/2011
# 26 - Posted on 12/15/2015 16:15:51

I think this weekend's release will be the final release for Completionator in 2015. It will mostly focus on the bounty system since there's a lot of unfinished business there. Here's what I have on my list, roughly ordered by priority. Keep in mind some of these are kinda big and I won't even come close to finishing this list in the next release, but wanted to get it all out there.

  • Add help text to explain the bounty / points system so new users can know what it is
  • Clean up the bounty section on the Home page. Lots of stuff I could do here and would love to hear some feedback on it. I've considered a carousel type approach, something like this: My only problem with that is you wouldn't be able to see ALL bounties at once, but maybe that's okay with the next item...
  • ...which is to have an actual Bounties search page. This would, by default, show active bounties (with info like time remaining, bonuses, points, # accepted, # completed, etc). You would also be able to view expired bounties, as well as find bounties you own the game for, which ones you've participated in, etc. Not sure all of that will be in the first release, but you can at least tell what I'm going for here.
  • My Bounties page to show just stuff you've participated in
  • Breakdown for your points to show where your points are coming from
  • Notification settings so you can get an email when a new bounty is posted for a game you own (not 100% sure I'm gonna do this one yet)
jwcooley Curator Posts: 984 Registered: 2/28/2014
# 27 - Posted on 1/5/2016 14:43:08

Yeah, I am ready to see something that lists the bounty history. I love the bounty system.

jwcooley Curator Posts: 984 Registered: 2/28/2014
# 28 - Posted on 12/5/2016 17:35:35

Is it possible to add some sort of indicator on the page with the bounties that says if the game is in our collection?

DOBERMAN_AX Posts: 245 Registered: 6/28/2016
# 29 - Posted on 12/5/2016 19:42:09

I'm on board for all of these new implements. Can't wait! One suggestion I would like to add: how about a warning notification when a Bounty is about to expire? This could be via email in the same way you would send update information, just kind of as a heads up or a warning on what will be over soon.