moho_00 Curator Backer Posts: 7117 Registered: 6/10/2011
# 2 - Posted on 12/15/2015 0:40:58

Thanks for accepting this bounty! Here you can talk with other bounty hunters as you progress through the game and keep everyone up to date on your progress.

Well, it was bound to happen. Here's the first RPG bounty! I have an extra GOG key if anyone wants to take the bounty :D

Post Edited on 12/15/2015 0:42:54
moho_00 Curator Backer Posts: 7117 Registered: 6/10/2011
# 3 - Posted on 12/15/2015 1:57:35

I don't know how well this one has held up, but I loooooved it back in high school in the '90s! I'm looking forward to giving it a go.

jwcooley Curator Posts: 984 Registered: 2/28/2014
# 4 - Posted on 12/24/2015 3:27:22

It is currently 99 cents right now on Steam!

Elfenix Posts: 38 Registered: 3/14/2015
# 5 - Posted on 12/30/2015 15:50:45

How long is approximately this game ?
I got it in my physical collection but I have no optical drive anymore (I have a light mini ITX case, very good WAF) so I wonder if it's worth to find an external drive to play Darkstone (never played, I don't often play action rpg, more tactical like baldur's or might and magic)

jwcooley Curator Posts: 984 Registered: 2/28/2014
# 6 - Posted on 12/30/2015 17:22:08

According to other sites I've seen that track times, I think the average is around 5 hours.

moho_00 Curator Backer Posts: 7117 Registered: 6/10/2011
# 7 - Posted on 12/30/2015 22:21:44

I finished it a long time ago and it seems like it took 15 hours or so.

Elfenix Posts: 38 Registered: 3/14/2015
# 8 - Posted on 1/4/2016 13:58:34

I have played 3 hours and it's fun but I would have some questions for the experts here :
- How to manage the 2nd character (he does what he want, and he isn't really motivated ^^)
- I play warrior + priestess and the warrior make so much damages, my priestess take no experience and she doesn't want to use spell when I don't play her. Is it possible to finish the game with one character ? (I would use the priestess just to tank with full vitality and to carry the stuff without leveling her)

By the way I have tried everything I found on Google to make my cd version of Darkstone working with Windows 10 but I failed so I play on the Android free version (with Genymotion, emulator for Android on PC). Same game but awful gameplay (almost impossible to use 2 spells in a dungeon). If someone want to try Darkstone for free, it's a good way.

moho_00 Curator Backer Posts: 7117 Registered: 6/10/2011
# 9 - Posted on 1/5/2016 13:06:08

I can't remember for sure, but it seems like I used a single character for this game when I played it originally many years ago. I always play a warriors in RPGs and like you've seen, he would always steal all of the XP and made my second character more of a liability than anything.

jwcooley Curator Posts: 984 Registered: 2/28/2014
# 10 - Posted on 1/5/2016 15:07:46

I tried to get this to load on my computer but it wouldn't work. It would crash every single time I booted it up.

I tried all the solutions provided on the sites I looked at but nothing ever worked. I got a refund through Steam.

Elfenix Posts: 38 Registered: 3/14/2015
# 11 - Posted on 1/5/2016 17:04:16

Same for me jwcooley, if you want to play Darkstone, try the android version, it's free and close enough to the original (some problem with the gameplay but it's still enjoyable).
Playable on PC with an android emulator (I use Genymotion, there is a free version for personal use and some really easy way to install the playstore and add any game you want).

You are right moho, the 2nd character is just optional so no reason to care about it. By the way, thanks to encourage me to try it witht this bounty, it's quite fun!

Edit : aaaand finished! The final fight was a little bit easy, I had more trouble with Nosferatu but it was the easiest difficulty. Maybe I should try another run with the next difficulty later...
Just one advice for the newbies, if you want to play again, don't sell your weapon/shield when you get the nammed hammer in the last stage because when you start a new "campaign" you can use your characters (lvl, stats, skills) and all your stuff but this hammer disappear from your inventory. I have a warrior full stuff who fight with a stick now...

Post Edited on 1/6/2016 16:47:09