Elfenix Posts: 38 Registered: 3/14/2015
# 1 - Posted on 12/22/2015 0:06:44

Perdon my french but I'm actually french ;)
It could sound weird but I don't really understand what means exactly "completion".
What is the difference in english between completion / achievement and between completionated / finished (in my dictionary, it's quite the same)
I just want to understand the function of the "add a completion" possibility compare to the finished indication.
Thanks by advance!

dhobo Curator Backer Posts: 1968 Registered: 1/5/2015
# 2 - Posted on 12/22/2015 2:49:26

French was my first language, but sadly, I am no longer fluent after decades of living amongst English-only. In fact, I'm only really good at reading French these days, I've lost nearly all ability to use correct grammar in both speech and in writing/texting.

That tidbit aside, let me see if I can explain this adequately. I tend to over-explain so hopefully this doesn't end up being confusing!

"Completionated" isn't a real word in English, but is a play on words based on the name of the site. Completionator/Completionated. I think the term for it is a neologism, or a néologisme in French.

As for differences in usage:
* Finished is generally used when you have played through a game to the end.
* Completionated is similar to "Finished", except it represents a more thorough finishing of the game. How much more thorough is entirely up to you!

For instance:

Example 1)

  • Play the game to the end.
    = "Finished" or "Completionated"

Example 2)

  • Play the game to the end.
  • Earn every in-game achievement/trophy.
    = "Completionated"

Example "dhobo is crazy")

  • Play the game to the end.
  • Earn every trophy/achievement.
  • Do every side quest.
  • Collect the maximum possible of every item.
  • Defeat at least one of every enemy.
  • See every unique line of dialogue.
  • etc...
    = "Completionated"

It can be either as simple or as detailed and complicated as you want it to be. There are no hard and fast rules on what is finished vs completionated.

As for "Add a completion" I will explain it along with another section that is related on the site.

You have My Playthroughs & My Completions. Think of My Playthroughs as the section where you keep track of games in progress. You can log the time spent during each of your individual game sessions here. Once you have reached the end of your playthrough, you then use the "Add a completion" to indicate it is no longer active and will sum up your total play times and allow you to add a status to your game like "finished" or "completionated" as described above along with some other details if you wish. At this point, it becomes a Completion and will show up listed under My Completions.

edit: Oh, and I should note that you don't need to use My Playthroughs to add completions to your list. It is purely optional. You can directly add new completions from the My Completions page, or when editing the details of a game in your collection.

Post Edited on 12/22/2015 2:58:31
moho_00 Curator Backer Posts: 7073 Registered: 6/10/2011
# 3 - Posted on 12/22/2015 3:05:44

Excellent questions! I will (hopefully) answer them, but also throw out even more information to try and tie everything together :)

First off, as I'm sure you've seen, every game in your collection has a progress status attached to it. The options are:

  • Incomplete
  • Finished
  • Completionated
  • N/A

This status is used to simply track whether you've completed a game or not. "Finished" and "Completionated" are both considered completed states. "Finished" is just a general "I completed the game" kinda thing. "Completionated" is for when you've done EVERYTHING in a game. So it's really just an extra layer to track, if you want to. For the purposes of statistics throughout the site, BOTH "Finished" and "Completionated" are considered "completed" statuses. If you mark something as "N/A", it will be omitted from completion statistics since it indicates a game that isn't beatable, at least by your definition :) I wanted to give user's the control over whether a game is beatable or not since everyone has their own definition of "completing" a game.

So that's the progress status. For some users, that's all they care about and it works great. Others, including myself, want to take it a step further and "record" a completion as its own entity. That's where the "My Completions" tab / page and the "Add Completion" button comes in.

A completion is actually a "completion time", which is the hours / minutes / seconds that it took to complete the game. You can also optionally include the date on which you completed the game. When entering a completion, you're required to select the "type", which includes the following:

  • Speed Run - This is pretty self-explanatory, it's when you go from beginning to end of a game as fast as you can.
  • Core Game (+ A Few Extras) - This is when you complete the main / story mode of a game with little to no extras completed (achievements, side quests, etc).
  • Core Game (+ Lots of Extras) - This is when you complete the main / story mode of a game and also a large chunk of extra content (achievements, side quests, etc).
  • Completionated - This is when you've completed every objective / all of the content in a game.

Even with the above descriptions, there's a lot of room for interpretation, but that's the general idea.

To tie the progress status and completions together, you've probably seen the option when entering a completion to "Update progress status". This lets you enter your completion, but also mark the game(s) in your collection with the appropriate completion status, which saves you the trouble from doing it yourself. Of course, you can NOT do that, if you prefer to keep up with it manually :P

Okay, so that takes care of tracking the progress of a game and recording a completion time. There are a couple more features that integrate with these features that I'll throw out there as well.

First off, there's a "Playthrough". This is actually something that comes BEFORE the completion. Playthroughs are completely optional in regards to entering a completion and are merely provided as a way to track your time, if the game does not track it for you. So if you create a playthrough, you select the game / platform and from there, you enter time entries (like a timesheet application) every time you play the game. Once you've entered the final entry, you can add a completion for the playthrough, which will add up all of the time for you! By default, the playthrough will be "archived" when you enter a completion for it. Archiving a playthrough simply removes it from your default My Playthroughs view, but you can use the filter to display them, if you want (and unarchive, if you want).

The last thing I'll throw out is the recently added bounty system, which you may have seen on the Home page. When you "accept" a bounty, a playthrough will automatically be created for you. After you play the game, you enter a completion for the playthrough (as described above), which completes the bounty. You get points and woohoo, you finished a game, the site got a completion time, and everyone is happy!

As I typed this out, I realized I should probably do something that's been on my task list for a LONG time: add some help / tooltips throughout the site. I think it would help encourage feature usage since playthroughs are easily the least used feature on the site and I'm sure part of that is because nobody knows what they are or how they work haha!

EDIT I didn't see @dhobo's post before typing mine up :P

Post Edited on 12/22/2015 3:10:39
dhobo Curator Backer Posts: 1968 Registered: 1/5/2015
# 4 - Posted on 12/22/2015 3:17:06

I bet it took you half the time to type out your much more thorough explanation than it took me to type my attempt. My brain just wouldn't cooperate, haha.

Elfenix Posts: 38 Registered: 3/14/2015
# 5 - Posted on 12/23/2015 0:23:28

Thanks a lot both of you, that was much than usefull and everything is obvious for me now!
Sorry to make you spend a lot of time on this but I need this kind of explanation to really understand, I used to be fluent in english but not anymore since I'm back in France...
( By the way you are right dhobo, it's a "néologisme", a thing that french intellectuals really hate but sounds pretty good in my opinion)

I'm not really in love with achievements so I won't have a lot of completionated games but for adventure games like Day of the Tentacle or Sam & Max ? There are no Extras so they are finished or completionated? I know it's my decision but I would say completionated to be able to filter the games finished where you can go further (completionated / nothing left to do, finished / you still can play)
I don't know how and why you use completionator but in my case I use this collection to see which game I could play, which one is almost finished or rediscover some old games I used to play and forgot. That's why for me the most important are the filters (tags, genre, finished...)
Finally I just have one comment about the "Tab" Completion compare to the "Add a completion", I found the 2nd really better and faster to use but the "Tab" allow to add completion for games you don't own anymore and that's really great!
I discover feature after feature... amazing job moho, lot of improvement since you told me to check it 9 months ago on GoG!

To give General Feedback about Completionator, is it better to create a new post or can I write it here ?

Have good holidays!

moho_00 Curator Backer Posts: 7073 Registered: 6/10/2011
# 6 - Posted on 12/23/2015 19:11:29

For adventure games, I would say those are "completionated" if you've completed the main story, completed any side quests / puzzles (if there are any), and gathered all collectibles (again, if there are any).

Glad to hear you're still discovering features, that's one of the best parts about learning new software :)

As for leaving additional feedback, it's totally up to you. I keep on top of the forums pretty well, so whether you leave it here or in a new thread, I should be able to find it!