Marcus Curator Backer Posts: 311 Registered: 10/16/2014
# 1 - Posted on 1/3/2016 18:26:34

Hey folks, I thought I would shout out the streaming event going on for the next week called Games Done Quick.

For those who haven't heard about it, it's a week-long event where speedrunners play through their best games for the audience. Both modern and classic games are played throughout and some speedruns really have to be seen to be believed.

It's not JUST about the games, though. The hope of each stream is to compel people to donate (this stream is to benefit the Prevent Cancer Foundation). Games Done Quick is a great time all around for those who have the time to catch at least a little of the stream.

moho_00 Curator Backer Posts: 7117 Registered: 6/10/2011
# 2 - Posted on 1/3/2016 19:29:40

This is pretty cool! I'm watching a stream of some dude totally rocking out Super Monkey Ball. I'm in awe of his skill...that game is stupid hard haha! I didn't catch the whole stream, but it looks like he finished it in less than 19 minutes!?!

dhobo Curator Backer Posts: 1968 Registered: 1/5/2015
# 3 - Posted on 1/3/2016 19:51:18

Oh wow, that time of year again? These are always a treat to tune in to :D

I consider myself a pretty competent gamer, but more of a jack of all trades sort. The way these folks can devote themselves fully to one (or a few) games to absolutely master them like this always impresses me.

jwcooley Curator Posts: 984 Registered: 2/28/2014
# 4 - Posted on 1/5/2016 14:42:05

I saw a guy playing the Aladdin game for the Genesis and he was just flying through the game. Maybe if I had done that back in the day I would have gotten through more of those games than I did.

It was actually quite impressive.