# 1 -
Posted on 1/29/2016 16:42:44
I noticed that on the game detail page many have Game Summary sections that are blank. I'm not sure if you have to manually enter this information but was wondering if you'd want to open that up to allow users to update that section. I'd definitely be willing to fill out this info on the games I own/want. Just don't know how you'd control bad data from being entered. Love the site! I just about have all my games loaded. |
# 2 -
Posted on 1/29/2016 18:25:07
You are correct in that we're entering all of this data manually right now. It was originally automatically brought in from giantbomb's database, but there were too many errors being caught, so moho_00 and the curators opted to wipe it clean and do things right. Right now it's just moho_00 and a handful of us volunteer curators doing the work, and at varying speeds due to real life/schedules, but it is getting done. Opening it up to users would fill things out faster, but ultimately, mistakes and potential garbage data would make it no better than giantbomb importing. As it is, I'm sure we curators make mistakes too, so if you see something in a game detail page that's incorrect, feel free to point it out and I (or another curator) will definitely investigate it to fix the problem! I'll use your collection as my "to do" list for database updating since you've expressed an interest in having this data available. Don't expect it to be done over night though, it's not speedy work! :)
Post Edited on 1/29/2016 18:28:38
# 3 -
Posted on 1/29/2016 18:53:50
Thanks for the update. If you all need an extra hand sometime I'll be glad to volunteer as well. I'm weird, I like tedious work like that. |
# 4 -
Posted on 1/30/2016 2:09:05
Haha, tarzanslam, we are both weird then because I had that same thought :). |
# 5 -
Posted on 2/20/2016 2:23:17
Just a heads-up that the Game Details page has been completely revamped! It now utilizes (almost) all of the data we're collecting. I still have a bunch of things I need to do to the page, but I ran out of time and wanted to get this first version out in front of everyone. Since we're still entering data for games, I'll leave some examples here that you might be interested in checking out.
As I mentioned before, I have a bunch of things I still need to do, so here's a few of the bigger ones:
Also, a big shoutout to @dhobo for coming up with the core design / layout for this change. There's no way I could've done it myself! If you have any feedback, definitely let me know! PS - You might also notice some friend list integration in one of the sections. You can consider this a sneak preview for the upcoming social / community enhancements that I'm planning to work on. I'd like to get rolling on it in March sometime, but I'll post beforehand to try and gather feedback. So stay tuned...
Post Edited on 3/2/2016 15:11:49
# 6 -
Posted on 2/20/2016 4:19:56
Looking great moho_00, I'll have to see how it displays on my tablet after it charges. One area that's a bit weird functionality-wise right now is the Completions section. The numbers are "correct" but they don't jive very well, imo. Case in point, Borderlands 2: http://completionator.com/Game/Details/194 Side bar: 0 Total Completions 4 Core + Few Extras Guessing the Total Completions is only tracking Completionated status then? Not accounting for Finished in either way? I would suggest tweaking the wording on the side bar to specify if you're only going to tally completionated to avoid confusion. Then there's the bars below Total Completions which shows 20 finished. I'm guessing that means there are 10 more from users set to private profiles? Again, if that's the case then nothing is incorrect, but it looks weird since the numbers don't match up. Not a serious bug, but it's probably unintended behaviour:
Post Edited on 2/20/2016 4:33:52
# 7 -
Posted on 2/20/2016 14:27:50
Great catch on the total completions thing! It was actually showing the total completions YOU had made. It was SUPPOSED to show the total completions entered for a game, which it now does. I also changed the label to "competion times" to hopefully reduce confusion. I also added a new statistic called "total finished", which is the total number of entries marked as either finished or completionated. So I may have just added new confusion :P The progress bar below is the same as the old pie chart we had, so it will show the 3 primary progress statuses (incomplete, finished, completionated). It was intended behavior to have the "friends only" checkbox to automatically "click" the "show all" button. Some of your friends could be in the hidden area and I took the easy way out. If it's confusing, I can definitely "fix" it. Also, I updated the button styles...finally! This is my first stab at it, so let me know what you think. @dhobo, I used the link you had previously sent, so thanks for that! Once we finalized these here, I can replicate them throughout the site. And finally, I added the "compilations found in" section. So Pac-Man is a good one to check out, if you're interested. I'll update my original post to include it. |
# 8 -
Posted on 2/20/2016 15:57:03
Wow, just want to say that you are doing a great job and it looks amazing! |
# 9 -
Posted on 2/20/2016 17:29:10
Ahh okay, haha, well, I was incorrect on my speculation on what the 0 count error was, but at least discovered an error. Partial victory! :P Your buttons look good! Maybe a little on the large side for desktop, though I get it, as touch tablet resolutions would be more annoying with smaller buttons. Definitely an improvement over the older look. More feedback!
Another bug:
Overall, this is really coming along nicely. Can't wait to see it continue to evolve and improve!
Post Edited on 2/20/2016 17:29:29
# 10 -
Posted on 2/21/2016 17:54:29
In Game Detail we can see a list of the owners of the game but we can't see the users who have wishlisted the game (only their number). Is it possible to display them ? A practical example : I have a copy of TWO WORLDS 2: EPIC EDITION on Gog (I already put it on the Giveaway post long time ago) and I saw on its Game detail that it was wishlisted by one user but I can't see who. I guess he/she doesn't look at the Giveaway thread so it's sad to keep it for me while I would never play it. |
# 11 -
Posted on 2/22/2016 8:52:30
Users that have wishlisted a game used to be on the old screen, but I couldn't find a good way to display them on the new one. This is something I'd like to add back in though since as you mentioned, the metric is there and it seems like you should be able to find the data as well. It's on my list, so hopefully I can get it back on there soon. |
# 12 -
Posted on 2/23/2016 22:34:34
Found another bug! http://completionator.com/Game/Details/8365 Shows the sidebar as saying "3 Users own it" but it's counting myself twice because I own it on two different platforms. At least, I'm pretty sure that's what's happening. |