tarzanslam Curator Posts: 346 Registered: 1/25/2016
# 1 - Posted on 2/8/2016 22:49:00

As I've mentioned before, I enjoy listening to video game music (VGM) while at work. One reason is it helps pass the time but another reason is the sense of nostalgia is brings. Hearing some of the music I heard while grinding away at games as a kid brings back a lot of good memories for me. I also like to listen to music from games I haven't played before. There's some really amazing music composed for video games out there.

I first stared listening to VGM at work after reading a Lifehacker article suggesting it. It said that game music is designed to not be too distracting and keep your focus on the game so it should do the same while focusing on work.

I'm opening this thread to give you the opportunity to post a link to YouTube (or other sites) to your favorite VGM. It can be music from past or current games.

One of my favorites is the opening theme to Final Fantasy VII. It's the first song you hear when you start a new game from the beginning. When I heard this for the first time I knew the game was going to be awesome. I hope to get the chance to go back and beat this game soon.

Here's the link to one of the many songs I plan to post here: https://youtu.be/UlM46SBMbKA?list=PLWh6XEhtscv3KHbYZkwFfhHG9zNGKFlb4

dhobo Curator Backer Posts: 1968 Registered: 1/5/2015
# 2 - Posted on 2/9/2016 0:08:03

Incoming nostalgia bomb!

Golden Oldies:

Monty on the Run:

Last Ninja 2 - Central Park:

Slightly Less Oldies

Chrono Trigger - Schala's Theme

Chrono Trigger - Underwater Palace

(okay, I could pretty much list the entire Chrono Trigger soundtrack, so let's move on)

Super Metroid - Norfair (The Fires of Zebes) always loved the atmosphere this provides

Castlevania Symphony of the Night - Festival of Servants

I think I'd better stop here. This post could get dangerously long. I've only scratched the surface of my library...

moho_00 Curator Backer Posts: 7117 Registered: 6/10/2011
# 3 - Posted on 2/9/2016 13:24:34

Oh my, where to begin :P First off, I listen to music pretty much all day at work (hey, I'm a programmer!) I generally listen to metal, but I have lots of other random stuff in my library, including some game soundtracks. It's funny that Final Fantasy VII is one of the first ones mentioned, because that game definitely has one of my favorite soundtracks. Back in the '90s, when I first had the internet and discovered the wonders of MP3s, one of the first songs I sought out was Aerith's Theme. I played through the game last year on Steam and it was excellent as usual :D

The first game soundtrack I ever bought was Final Fantasy IX. I really, really enjoyed that game and the soundtrack was awesome. I loved Vivi, he's one of my favorite game characters ever and his theme is pretty cool: https://youtu.be/rLa0bQflIVo But I think my favorite has always been the ending theme.

I have some others as well (including Symphony of the Night, that one is very good!), but I'll move on hehe.

The next song I want to throw out there is from one of my favorites games: The Guardian Legend. I'm sure some of you have seen me talk about this gem on here before, but seriously...it's good. The soundtrack is great and conjures up so much nostalgia! It's tough to pick one to post, but I'll go with the ending theme. I remember as a kid I would beat the game and just leave it on and listen to this song for a bit. It's one of those games that won't end until you turn off the system. It has a slow / atmospheric sound to it, which I guess makes sense since I listen to a lot of slow / doomy / gloomy / atmospheric music :)

And now, some random other songs:

Chrono Cross - Opening Theme
This is another game I really enjoyed. I used to just watch the opening and listen to the song...then restart my PlayStation. No seriously, I did that! I love the intro to this game and the theme song is a big reason why.

Unreal - Dusk Horizon
I remember playing Unreal for the first time and when you exit the ship, this song starts playing. I remember being blown away by the graphics (hey, it was the 90s!) and my imagination ran wild with how good the game was going to be (even though I wouldn't actually finish it for many years later).

Snatcher - Endless Pursuer
Now it's time for some synth! I've recently (in the past couple of years) gotten into dark synthwave and I ended up playing this game during that time and was blown away by the music. This was my favorite track and it did a great job of pulling me into the game even further. If anyone hasn't played this game, I would highly recommend doing so. It's pretty short and it's basically all story, but it's a great experience. If you don't already own it and you don't speak Japanese, you might want to just watch a longplay though...the prices are getting stupid.

Amok - Wastelands
This is a really cool game with a nice techno soundtrack composed by Jesper Kyd. I just wish the game wasn't so hard :P

KISS Psycho Circus: The Nightmare Child - Psycho Circus
I couldn't resist :P But really, this is the only KISS song I actually like. But it's awesome. And yes, I played this game. And yes, I enjoyed this game.

Post Edited on 2/9/2016 13:25:42
moho_00 Curator Backer Posts: 7117 Registered: 6/10/2011
# 4 - Posted on 2/9/2016 14:07:27

Also, I forgot to mention that if you're interested in metal covers of video game songs, you should check out Daniel Tidwell!

Oh and after listening to that Super Metroid song...I really need to play that game :( Chrono Trigger too...

Post Edited on 2/9/2016 14:19:27
WhitsEnd Curator Posts: 251 Registered: 2/29/2016
# 5 - Posted on 3/2/2016 19:15:52

I'll join in on this!

I too as you all have said, love to listen to VGM at work.

There are so many greats to choose from so I will just list a few of the ones I currently have playing on my Youtube playlist:

Journey to Silius: Title Theme

Gimmick!: Slow Illusion

Silver Surfer: Level 1

Mega Man 9: Splash Woman

tarzanslam Curator Posts: 346 Registered: 1/25/2016
# 6 - Posted on 11/7/2017 5:09:30

I'm bringing this thread back from the dead since I came across this buttery goodness of a song. It gets really good at the 1 minute mark. Has anyone ever played TrackMania 2: Stadium ?

dhobo Curator Backer Posts: 1968 Registered: 1/5/2015
# 7 - Posted on 11/7/2017 16:04:37

Never played any of the Trackmania series, though I've seen oodles of videos from the games. I find it interesting that this track has a bunch of elements in it that remind me of other music I've heard, but can't quite put my finger on.

stealthrush Posts: 35 Registered: 5/17/2017
# 8 - Posted on 1/19/2018 5:06:30

Falcom Music, SNK Sound Team, Team Silent -Konami-

HevyD Posts: 72 Registered: 4/21/2017
# 9 - Posted on 2/2/2018 17:16:30

I'll post some of the recent stuff I've really been digging into. I've been collecting VG vinyl soundtracks over the past few years and have some really good ones. But these are games that came out in the past decade.

Risk of Rain Soundtrack =

Oxenfree Soundtrack =

Hotline Miami Soundtrack =

Persona 5 Soundtrack =

I really hope I understand how the YT embed works.

dhobo Curator Backer Posts: 1968 Registered: 1/5/2015
# 10 - Posted on 2/2/2018 17:30:12

God I love the Hotline Miami soundtrack. I listen to it often when I need to shut everything else out for a while.

moho_00 Curator Backer Posts: 7117 Registered: 6/10/2011
# 11 - Posted on 2/2/2018 18:38:59

+1 for the Hotline Miami soundtrack!

stealthrush Posts: 35 Registered: 5/17/2017
# 12 - Posted on 2/4/2018 0:26:31

Falcom Music Channel


tarzanslam Curator Posts: 346 Registered: 1/25/2016
# 13 - Posted on 4/8/2018 22:24:09

The latest song to catch my attention is this from ClaDun X2. Even though I haven't played this game and I have no idea what this song is saying I just love the melody.

Post Edited on 4/8/2018 22:24:58
dhobo Curator Backer Posts: 1968 Registered: 1/5/2015
# 14 - Posted on 4/9/2018 4:30:49

This track makes me angry in the best way possible.

Byzantene Posts: 30 Registered: 11/29/2016
# 15 - Posted on 4/13/2018 22:41:14

I'm still playing Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age on PS4 from last year and was lucky enough to get to go to the recent Distant Worlds tour...
Their version of The Dalmasca Estersand makes me so happy every time I hear it x3

Post Edited on 4/13/2018 22:41:31
tarzanslam Curator Posts: 346 Registered: 1/25/2016
# 16 - Posted on 4/14/2018 21:42:08

I'm so jealous you got to experience the Distant Worlds concert! I hope I get the chance to go sometime.

I did go to a Zelda Symphony of the Goddesses Concert last year and I loved it.

Byzantene Posts: 30 Registered: 11/29/2016
# 17 - Posted on 4/16/2018 4:55:11

I wish I could've gone to the Zelda concert as well!!
My youngest brother went, but unfortunately for me he didn't share the news until after and I missed it, aww.
Hope to catch it the next time it comes around.

Post Edited on 4/16/2018 4:56:16