moho_00 Curator Backer Posts: 7117 Registered: 6/10/2011
# 26 - Posted on 4/1/2016 18:51:03

Currently, there isn't a way to view who has liked your feed items, but it's definitely something I plan to add. I also plan to add the ability to comment / respond to feed items.

YouCanCallMeAl Posts: 20 Registered: 8/21/2016
# 27 - Posted on 9/3/2016 0:29:18

Sorry for resurrecting a 5-month old thread, but what about a direct message feature? I see that there is one in the My Missions tab, but those are public (as far as I know, at least). Is there any possibility or intention of implementing a private messaging system?

Oh, and is there any way of adding images to forum posts? I haven't tried it, but I was curious.


moho_00 Curator Backer Posts: 7117 Registered: 6/10/2011
# 28 - Posted on 9/4/2016 15:34:44

Currently, we do not have a way to send direct / private messages to other users. One of the things that's been my task list for a loooong time and might finally be happening soon is a way to add public comments to other users' profiles, much like Steam and Backloggery. I could see private messages being useful though as the site continues to grow!

As for displaying images, there are a few options for you to use. The first two are for displaying box art that's hosted here on Completionator.

To display a full-size box art image, you can use the @boxart() keyword. Inside the parentheses, you would need to include the ID of the game you want to show. You can get the ID for a game by looking at the URL on the Game Details page. For example, Ace Combat 2 can be found at the following URL: The ID in that case is 10287. So you would put 10287 inside the @boxart() parentheses, such as:

The next one is very similar, but it will automatically resize it so it's a bit smaller. The keyword is @smboxart() and you use it the same way as the previous one, such as:

The last way was previously only available in articles, but I just made it so it will work on the forums. And when I say "just made it", I mean I literally just pushed out a code change (that's update #2 today, woohoo!) :P Currently, this will only allow you to embed external images. You can use the extimg() keyword. You will need to provide a direct link to the image file and place it in the parentheses. Simply using an imgur link will NOT work. So given the screenshot you posted in the "Name That Game" thread, you would use the following URL:

And here it is:

One note on this one is that the width will be capped at 900px to cut down on horizontal scrolling, at least in larger resolutions. I might tweak this later on now that it's released into the wild, so we'll see :)

Also, I don't know for sure, but if a URL has "http*s*" instead of just "http", it might not work. I'll have to check on that at some point.

Post Edited on 9/4/2016 15:35:40
YouCanCallMeAl Posts: 20 Registered: 8/21/2016
# 29 - Posted on 9/4/2016 19:29:39

This is brilliant! Thank you for the information and all the other hard work you do @moho_00! I'll be sure to try it out :D
