boffo97 Posts: 767 Registered: 1/25/2015
# 1 - Posted on 4/18/2016 3:23:53

Learn from my stupidity and avoid GMG's $9.99 Mystery Bundle of 7 games.

If I ended up getting just bad games, that'd be expected... but three of the games I got were actually given away for free previously: the dual pack of Time, Gentlemen, Please and Ben There! Dan That!; Orborun and Canyon Capers.

Besides that, Steel Storm: Burning Retribution (which only gave me SOMETHING because it included the DLCs it didn't have), Velvet Assassin and Zack Zero (the only game of the pack new to me).

The pack was rounded off with a 2 GBP credit voucher. At current exchange rates, that's $2.83, meaning I paid $7.16 for the plate of garbage above.

dhobo Curator Backer Posts: 1968 Registered: 1/5/2015
# 2 - Posted on 4/18/2016 7:55:22

Dang, that's a pretty crap bundle. I avoid mystery games/bundles like the plague now. I got stuck with some stinkers back when did their mystery game sales and will never do it again. I check to find out what the prize pool consists of in these kinds of things after they've been up for a while and people report back and the odds are so greatly stacked against you getting anything good you're better off saving cash. More practical to wait for games you want instead to go on a normal sale.

Granted, I don't enjoy gambling in general, so maybe that aspect of the whole process is what people enjoy about these mystery deals.

boffo97 Posts: 767 Registered: 1/25/2015
# 3 - Posted on 4/18/2016 14:20:53

Granted, I wasn't expecting 7 AAA games, but half of what I got being previously free was a huge ripoff. The other half being bundled at least 5 times each wasn't much better.

I gave it an appropriately terrible review, but reviews have to be approved by a moderator, and let's see if they have the guts to post a review which ensures nearly no one else will buy it.

That said, when GOG was doing their mystery gift thing, I came close to breaking even if not profiting. The Bard's Tale and Dust: An Elysian Tale were both repeats of what I had on Steam, but Legend of Grimrock II was still pretty new and highly reviewed.

Post Edited on 4/18/2016 15:10:23