Marcus Curator Backer Posts: 311 Registered: 10/16/2014
# 1 - Posted on 5/8/2016 17:34:07

Over the years there have been a fair share of sites devoted to tracking Achievements/Trophies/etc. This has never really been a big deal to me so I never really got into any of them beyond Raptr, which at least tried to offer community elements as well.

In any case, I saw this new site by the name of and thought folks might be interested to see what they're doing. Unfortunately the non-standard top level domain (.directory) makes it totally not look like an actual website when I type it out lol.

Here's a look at the creator's page ( so you can get an idea of what a profile might look like when filled out. Apparently this opened up just two weeks ago so functionality is super limited at the moment. With that said, it looks like some fun stats are already being pulled so I'm curious to see where this goes.

dhobo Curator Backer Posts: 1968 Registered: 1/5/2015
# 2 - Posted on 5/9/2016 13:55:24

Looks interesting as it's one of the few aspects of completionator that I feel is a bit lacking for my personal tastes as I dig the whole achievement/trophy thing. It actually influences what games I buy and/or on what platform, haha.

ie: I never buy Ubisoft stuff on pc because of the terrible achievements vs console versions of the same games.

Post Edited on 5/9/2016 13:55:59
Marcelloz Curator Backer Posts: 277 Registered: 9/14/2014
# 3 - Posted on 5/10/2016 12:57:00

Always interesting such sites so joined and entered my data. Curious to see how it deals with my big Steam library.
Slightly offtopic, but for stats I mostly use and

Post Edited on 5/10/2016 12:57:15
moho_00 Curator Backer Posts: 7117 Registered: 6/10/2011
# 4 - Posted on 5/10/2016 13:20:39

Pulling in achievements (specifically from Steam) was on my original "wish list" for the site, but it's just never resurfaced. I'm still interested in doing something with that data, just not sure what. Then there's the whole PSN / Xbox Live integration, which would be great for achievements, but awesome for syncing your libraries.

I'm certainly open to ideas on how to utilize this data :)

Marcelloz Curator Backer Posts: 277 Registered: 9/14/2014
# 5 - Posted on 9/8/2016 9:44:22

Visited the again after 4 months, but it's a bit dead water. 107 users which is slightly more than 4 months ago, no more features and it looks worse than I can remember.

But about achievements, great idea :) Right now i'm using exophase ( a lot as it's pretty, pretty fast and gives me just what i want. The others mentioned above are just complementary. For PS4 stuff I use