# 1 -
Posted on 5/26/2016 19:06:31
So I can be a HUGE sucker for collector's editions of games...today I happened to run across this: I am not really even interested in this game (even though it looks really fun) but this collector's edition is making me droll... What's everyone else's thoughts on collector's editions of games? Worth the money or just cash grabs? |
# 2 -
Posted on 5/26/2016 19:34:27
Oh they're absolutely cash grabs, but at least some of them are pretty cash grabs, lol If you like having display objects from the games you play, then arguably they are worth the investment. Some of them are pretty ludicrous though, like that dead island riptide one that basically came with a pair of boobs. |
# 3 -
Posted on 5/27/2016 0:31:36
Doooooooooooooooo not get into iam8bit if you're one who can't help but buy snazzy limited editions. They have only recently started to get into physical game releases, but each of their sets is very interesting. For example, here are their other main limited editions they've brought out thus far: http://store.iam8bit.com/products/no-mans-sky-explorers-edition I like collector's editions but do my best to only buy them for games I am a fan of (series/developer/etc) or expect to be a fan of. Or, games which I know are superbly rare.... which is silly, given that I don't have plans to sell my collection anytime soon, just like the rarity factor. |
# 4 -
Posted on 5/27/2016 2:18:09
I generally don't pick up Collector's Editions, especially the crazy like $100+ ones. I picked up the "Love is Over" Catherine set, which has some cool items in it and I have the Duke Nukem Forever one! Speaking of boobs, I did pick up the Collector's Edition for Record of Agarest War, which has some...interesting items (and box art): http://www.amazon.com/Record-Agarest-Limited-Xbox-360-Xbox/dp/B00354NBF4 Having said all that, I have the "special" editions for Grand Kingdom and Odin Sphere: Leifthrasir preordered haha...but at least they were only like $20 more. I don't mind supporting the little guys like Atlus and NIS (I guess they're still little?) |
# 5 -
Posted on 5/27/2016 2:21:14
Lol moho. I remember when I went into GameStop to pick up my pre-order of Record of Agarest War. The cashiers had to huddle up together and giggle/look at the box. It didn't help that basically every square inch of the box was fanservice art. Then the game turned out to be utter garbage - no wonder they tried to sell it via sex appeal! |
# 6 -
Posted on 5/27/2016 2:23:15
Haha! I know my friends always enjoy poking fun at it when they visit my lair. And yeah, the box is total fan service haha. I still haven't even opened it, but I have it on Steam and should at least try it sometime since I'm a sucker for tactical RPGs. |