Pixelfred144 Posts: 5 Registered: 6/13/2016
# 1 - Posted on 6/14/2016 0:55:57

So is finished for when u have finished a game's campaign?

Oh and also since I posted this in feedback i think the site is great but it would be nice if when u put 100% completion a game it goes in my completions right away.

moho_00 Curator Backer Posts: 7117 Registered: 6/10/2011
# 2 - Posted on 6/14/2016 13:29:46

Hello and welcome to the site!

There are three different ways to track when you've completed a game. The site tries to provide different options since everyone manages their stuff a little different, so there's some flexibility in a lot of the features available here. Although these three methods are independent, they do work together...loosely.

The first and most common way is the Progress Status dropdown. There are four options currently available:

  • N/A - This is for games that don't really have a "win" condition. This is open to interpretation and I tend to use it for sports games that don't have a "campaign" or puzzle games that are just open-ended like the original Tetris.
  • Incomplete - This is the default option and is for games you haven't completed yet.
  • Finished - As you suspected, this is for completing the main campaign for a game.
  • Completionated - This is for when you've done everything a game has to offer.

Of course, these are all open to interpretation. So you can use them however you see fit, but that's how I had originally intended them working.

The second way to track status is the completion percentage. If you change the progress status to Finished or Completionated, this will automatically move to 100%. My original intention for this was to let you indicate how far you are in a game while you're playing it and once you've completed it, this is kinda irrelevant.

The final way is to enter a completion. These are separate entities and are not actually directly related to a game in your collection (i.e. you don't have to have the game in your collection to enter a completion for it). These are for the users that track how long a game takes them to complete, so it's really for collecting completion times. When entering a completion time, you can optionally change the progress status for the selected game / platform.

Hope this helps, but let me know if you have any other questions (or feedback)!

Post Edited on 6/14/2016 13:32:09