# 1 -
Posted on 8/15/2016 21:24:10
Is there any future enhancement to view activity and points awarded for said activity? I'd love to see something along these lines but not sure how difficult it would be to build. Thoughts? |
Posts: 245
Registered: 6/28/2016
# 2 -
Posted on 8/15/2016 21:34:59
I'm interested to see more Leaderboard-type stuff integrated as well. What exactly do you mean as far as points go? Are you talking about points awarded for being active/doing things? I could second this notion, but I also might want to expand on the idea. We have a lot of points that are rewarded to users for doing "stuff" around the site. What about maybe a subtraction of points based on doing bad "stuff"? This could be starting a game and backlogging it after starting a playthrough, or playing too many games at once, having too many games backlogged, having a completion ratio below a certain threshold, or something like that. Other game logging sites (one in particular) kind of does this sort of thing, but in the form of status "ailments" not unlike your typical RPG. I wouldn't want to suggest taking another's idea, but maybe a Completionator "themed" set of variable points that could be added and subtracted based on progress and other things? I'm spit-balling some ideas here, but I'm with you on this one Cooley! |
# 3 -
Posted on 8/15/2016 21:48:40
My request is pretty simple as far as the ask (not sure on actual implementation). I just want to know what all encompasses my points broken out by specific activity. But I could honesty see some expansion on this as well. Not sure about negative affecting said score, but I do like the idea of icons representing things that are counter productive to what this site is trying to accomplish. What does everybody else think? |
# 4 -
Posted on 8/15/2016 21:51:03
Adding a leaderboard would be pretty simple, I think. Just add a column to the community list that you can sort by points earned. If tracking of earned points is added, that definitely sounds like something that would belong to the Activity Feed. I mean, it already tracks stuff like entering completion times and such, so it'd just be a matter of adding a "and earned 10 points for it!" addendum to the feed item. (or whatever the value is) Totally against any kind of negative points that punish users for doing things a different way that you or I (or anyone for that matter) may not agree with, philosophically. I'm a pretty hardcore completionist which is why it takes me ages to finish individual titles, but would I feel that someone who does not finish their game before moving on to the next one should have a lower score because of it? Heck no. That's just how they enjoy their games. Stick to rewarding site users for activity in various forms (posting, rating games, etc... like we do now) but keep it as a positive mechanic where these points are all supposed to be for fun while helping flesh things out in the database. |
# 5 -
Posted on 8/15/2016 22:19:55
What all do you actually get points for as of right now? Here is a list of stuff I think we get points for right now...Moho_00 - Correct me if I'm wrong |
Posts: 245
Registered: 6/28/2016
# 6 -
Posted on 8/16/2016 11:54:50
I understand your point of view on the matter. You're probably right in that it would feel a little counterproductive to punish users, so let's just stick to keeping things positive here! xD But yeah, I'm all for any kind of visual representation of points, so how about maybe some kind of progress bar / stat overview of them? More or less in the same fashion as suggested by @jwcooley, but I'm just kind of a sucker for progress bars cause (for me) it's the most motivating visually (if you haven't noticed through many of my suggestions xD). I'm not really nit-picky on the subject, though, so whatever way this idea may be integrated, I'm all for it.
Post Edited on 8/16/2016 11:55:37
# 7 -
Posted on 8/16/2016 13:07:18
The current Leaderboard was mostly just a quick 'n dirty way of showcasing the fact that we have points :P I had much loftier goals for it, but....life. Nevertheless, at a bare minimum, I would like to provide a breakdown of your points so you can see where they're coming from. Right now it's just a seemingly random number that pops up. I had planned on having this breakdown on the Overview page, but the reason it's not there is because I keep telling myself I'm going to completely rewrite that page. Based on this thread, plus a couple more that have been recently posted, that old page is starting to become a bottleneck for getting new features (or at least better versions of existing features) out to the masses, so it's probably gonna have to jump to the top of the list. As for how you collect points, @jwcooley was mostly right: Completions (50 + bounty bonus, if applicable) The main driver behind the points system is to encourage community interaction and data entry, so that's why things like tags or the number of games you own aren't included. Stacks would be a great fit and I think we had discussed the potential of including missions as well. |
Posts: 245
Registered: 6/28/2016
# 8 -
Posted on 8/16/2016 16:53:13
That definitely seems like it would fit in nicely. What about articles as well? I could see more incentive to write them if there are points calculated for them. Not necessarily for competitiveness, more so for personal motivation/drive. You know what I mean? I also wouldn't mind a revamping of the overview page, but I trust your discretion on the matter, so whatever happens to it, I'm sure it won't bother me too much. I actually really like that page as it is, I could just see a few more things to be added to make a true overview of everything. My only true gripe with My Overview is that the only way to access your full details of a game in your collection, you have to click on it from Now Playing. Therefore, it's impossible to few this information for games that are not in Now Playing. The majority of the information is accessible through Quick Edit, but options such as Strategy Guides and Ownership status are not available. I could see this issue remedied simply by adding another link from the My Collections tab, respectively next to Quick Edit. It could be entitled Full Details or something like that.
Post Edited on 8/16/2016 17:00:19