Posts: 245
Registered: 6/28/2016
# 1 -
Posted on 9/1/2016 2:29:06
I'm a firm believer in personal achievements, not necessarily ones that are forced because of online features or downloadable content that may require additional funds. With that said, a lot of games I play have a large majority of trophies/achievements that are online (multiplayer) based, or require attached DLC in order to be completed. I've always found this infuriating, especially once I finally complete all of the single player tasks. I don't always feel like these other types of tasks should always fall into one full category. With that said, it came to me that maybe here we could create separate completion status bars for the Single Player, the Multiplayer, and/or DLC that is attached to the base game in order to filter some of that out. With this logic, personal goals could also be divided into the same categories, therefore making it a lot less cumbersome to add additional ones in at a later time, or (for those like me) make it a lot easier to 'filter out' the irrelevant multiplayer/dlc tasks that clearly I have no intention on completing, but would still like to see displayed in some way. In the current state, I've been using Notes that state '% completed excludes Multiplayer / Online achievements/trophies', but from what I believe (correct me if I'm wrong here) these Notes can only be viewed by you personally, which I'm not really a fan of. I would like other users viewing my collection to see that as well. Of course, if a game only has one 'mode', the current display could remain, perhaps making the additional ones collapsible/hidden. The layout could look something like this: Base Game [Single Player] - [ |||||||32% ] Verbiage isn't concrete, just an example.A similar function could be integrated in the Goals section to better determine completion status as well. How does everyone feel about this idea? I feel like it would be a nice extra touch to what will be the new Overview section, all the while adding yet another unique feature that sets the site apart from the rest.
Post Edited on 9/1/2016 7:26:51
# 2 -
Posted on 9/1/2016 4:49:00
I like this idea! Sure, I don't actually tend to play games online ever, or buy DLC, but I most certainly see how this could be really helpful for folks focused on modern gaming. By default, I personally would prefer the breakdown of multiple completion types to be hidden. Maybe whether the additional completion areas (such as DLC) are visible by default or not could be toggled per user? For example, how each user can set their default platform, provider, and region to be used when they start adding games to their collection.
Post Edited on 9/1/2016 4:50:51
Posts: 245
Registered: 6/28/2016
# 3 -
Posted on 9/1/2016 6:29:21
I'm glad you like this idea Marcus! Yes, I'm there with you on the subject of discretion. Having an option to hide/show the completion status of each category could be extremely beneficial for folks in my ballpark who may only go through a game's single player mode while neglecting the additional content, but still would like to deem the game completionated. Adding in additional DLC or MP completions could help display a more realistic overview of what to do next, or at least, that's my thought process. Some games I play online and buy DLC, and others I do not. I'm sure there are other folks that share in that philosophy when it comes to being selective of their content. The main example that inspired this thread was my completionating of LittleBigPlanet PS Vita. I platinum trophied the game by achieving 100% of the base game trophies. However, due to DLC, the overall completion of the game is resting at 56%, which I find extremely annoying. Worse yet, the servers for the game have already shut down in Japan, which will mean the US will follow suit very soon, leaving the game impossible to 100%. Adding this type of selectable feature, or stackable feature rather, could help alleviate this problem and make completions such as this actually "feel" completed. I've always viewed DLC or MP as optional or bonus content, not required content. This modern age of gaming has less and less single player only focused games, thus requiring me to join or create gaming sessions on hunting sites just so I can pop trophies that really don't require much skill other than just gathering folks together under the same roof. I always hated that. It will seriously stop me from even adding a game to my trophy list on PlayStation because I already know I will not reach true 100% because I don't really like playing online. However, on Completionator, if this new feature was implemented, users could still feel the sense of a nice 100% progress bar for their selected games without having to worry about servers going down, or gathering people to boost. Another possible way to display the different types of progress bars is to maybe have the option to add as many progress bars as you want to any game, not unlike adding goals to playthroughs. That way, they could carry custom names (Base Game, Online, DLC 1, 2, etc.) in order to differentiate them from each other or make them unique. However, this isn't absolutely necessary to achieve what I'm thinking. A prefabricated route would/could work just fine.
Post Edited on 9/1/2016 6:44:45