Posts: 32
Registered: 8/2/2016
# 1 -
Posted on 9/7/2016 16:36:52
I was playing Sacred 2 the other day, and while I have most of the trophies in the game there is one I may never get. It requires you to talk to various characters in different cities in a particular order. One mistake and you have to start a new game. It's nearly impossible to get in a regular playthrough unless you look at trophy requirements before you start playing and are then very careful about whom you speak to. What trophy/achievement have you found that seems to have a ridiculously high threshold for completion? ETA: I distinctly remember this as a hidden trophy but can't find it now. I must have gotten my games mixed up?
Post Edited on 9/7/2016 17:59:35
# 2 -
Posted on 9/7/2016 17:27:25
Oh my, that sounds like a really annoying achievement! I'll have to think about this before I respond with any specific achievement(s), but I will say I dislike the online-only achievements since I don't play online very much :P |
# 3 -
Posted on 9/7/2016 18:06:15
I don't remember seeing a trophy like that in Sacred 2. Which one was it? I'll skip a rant about intentionally "impossible" trophies/achievements, like some in Stanley Parable, or Universe Simulator, only put in because those developers are dicks. (Granted, at least the universe sim guy basically apologized for them later) As for realistically earnable trophies, the one that sticks in my mind from recent history is: "Take the Cannoli" in GTA: San Andreas It's either a) grinding for hundreds of hours if done legitimately. These kinds of trophies are the absolute worst. They're not skill based, just tedious and poorly designed. |
# 4 -
Posted on 9/7/2016 20:34:05
I'm not really, what the kids are calling these days, an "achievement whore" but from what I heard, getting the Mile High achievement in COD Modern Warfare was pretty difficult to achieve? Anyone able to validate this? |
Posts: 245
Registered: 6/28/2016
# 5 -
Posted on 9/14/2016 14:11:57
I've got quite a list of these:
Also, any/all online specific trophies that otherwise hinder me from a 100% completion. I really wish each game had them as a separate entity...
Post Edited on 9/15/2016 17:05:34