It's time for the 8th Annual Completionator Community Top 10! Check out this thread for your chance to win a $20 Steam gift card.
moho_00 Curator Backer Posts: 7042 Registered: 6/10/2011
# 1 - Posted on 9/8/2016 21:24:27

I was pleasantly surprised to see that the original three PC Army Men games were released on GOG today. I get really excited to see classics like this released, so I thought it was a good time for a new giveaway :)

To enter this one, all you need to do is post about your history with the Army Men video games (what you've played, what's your favorite, whatever you want). If you've never played / heard of them, that's a perfectly acceptable response. You have until 11:59 PM EST on 9/16/16 to post in this thread and then I'll randomly select a winner!

Here's the news post on GOG.

Post Edited on 9/8/2016 21:28:42
Drymonema Curator Backer Posts: 395 Registered: 5/31/2016
# 2 - Posted on 9/8/2016 21:54:26

So excited when I saw this on GOG today.
Somehow I got a hold of the first Army Men when I was a kid (I think I was 12 when it came out), and I'm pretty sure it's because my parents said "well it's only violence between plastic men, so that's acceptable". I played it. I loved it. The end.

Post Edited on 9/8/2016 21:56:12
YouCanCallMeAl Posts: 20 Registered: 8/21/2016
# 3 - Posted on 9/8/2016 23:32:27

Army Men: Toys In Space was my introduction^ into the world of "living plastic" (predating even Doctor Who^^ by a couple years). I got as far as the damn "rescue the civilians from the evil big-headed orange aliens," and that was when I called it quits. I was good at killing the baddies, just not keeping the hostages alive.

^Okay, so it's not the introduction if you count Portal Runner. Portal Runner was my game, man.

^^In the 2005 Doctor Who season premiere, "Rose," the titular character of the episode gets attacked by Autons controlled by the Nestene Consciousness. These Autons look like mannequins and are made out of plastic.

And this post turned out to be much longer and rambling than I had anticipated, but I felt it must be explained. :D

Best of luck, everyone!

boffo97 Posts: 767 Registered: 1/25/2015
# 4 - Posted on 9/8/2016 23:39:26

Never played, did hear a lot of criticism that the publishers were over-saturating the market with games.

Marcus Curator Backer Posts: 311 Registered: 10/16/2014
# 5 - Posted on 9/9/2016 1:47:07

My first experience with the series was Army Men: Sarge's Heroes. This was back in the time that I would go to Blockbuster/Hollywood Video and rent out a different N64 game every week. The concept really excited me (little green army men coming to life) but I had a problem getting past an early stage lol.

Vítek Posts: 19 Registered: 3/14/2015
# 6 - Posted on 9/9/2016 16:29:53

Sure why not.

I don't have that much of experience with Army Men, though.
My main contact with it was that there was review for it in one of my first gaming mags and I thought it looks incredibly cool as I always loved plastic soldiers and had a ton of them and in my youth I couldn't wrap my mind around how they can be in video game and how awesome it has to be that they are actuall moving.
Next contact was much later on GOG many years later, when people spoke of it there

moho_00 Curator Backer Posts: 7042 Registered: 6/10/2011
# 7 - Posted on 9/13/2016 20:10:03

Although I get nostalgic when thinking about this series, I don't actually have a lot of experience with it. I remember when the first game came out, which was right around the time I first got a PC. A friend of mine purchased the game and I remember playing it at his house quite a bit, though I never picked it up myself. I loved the concept though and always planned to get back around to it.

The next two games (Army Men II and Army Men: Toys in Space) were more of the same, but I still hadn't played the first one, so I skipped them altogether.

After that, 3DO started flooding the market with the various console iterations, such as Air Attack and Sarge's Heroes. I've played Army Men: Air Attack 2 on PS2 a little bit and it's pretty fun. It kinda reminds me of the old Strike games.

I worked at EB Games during the height of the series' popularity (i.e. 2000 - 2004) and the games were generally considered to be fun, though cheap and not particularly groundbreaking. We sold a ton of them though.

Another entry that I've been interested in is Army Men: RTS, which, of course, stands for "Real-time Strategy". In other words, it's like the PERFECT genre for this concept. I found a used GameCube copy many years ago, but I've never tried it out. I keep holding out for the PC version to receive a digital release on GOG.

moho_00 Curator Backer Posts: 7042 Registered: 6/10/2011
# 8 - Posted on 9/21/2016 23:30:49

Aaaaaand the winner is....


As some of you are already aware, I roll a D-20 and the highest roll wins. @YouCanCallMeAl rolled a 19 to secure victory!

Shall I email you the key or do you want to shoot me a message on Steam? If you prefer the latter, my name is moho_00 on there.

dhobo Curator Backer Posts: 1968 Registered: 1/5/2015
# 9 - Posted on 9/22/2016 1:24:25

Nice, grats YouCanCallMeAl! That's a fun bundle you just won :D

YouCanCallMeAl Posts: 20 Registered: 8/21/2016
# 10 - Posted on 10/17/2016 20:02:57

Apparently I'm way behind on everything Completionator. If you can just email it to me, that'd be awesome! Do I need to tell you my e-mail, or are you omniscient and have access? ;)

Edit: Thanks @moho_00! Claimed! :D

Post Edited on 10/17/2016 23:05:13