Steph Posts: 4 Registered: 10/25/2016
# 1 - Posted on 10/25/2016 3:58:24

Make completion time not mandatory -

I was trying to add only the difficulty of the game but I have to add the completion time too, to be able to save. Being able to save without putting any other information then the one you want.

Manually inputting your games and information/cover art -

I have 364 iOS games ( ) and creating a forum to writing every single one is going to be a bit of a pian, not to mention you guys have to add all those. I would just prefer manually adding them once with all the information and picture instead of waiting for them to be uploaded. This is why I like the backloggery because it's all manual but the backloggery doesn't have many features this website have so that's why I'm considering on switching. (side note: the cover art quality on here for some reason isn't the best, not sure if it's just my computer screen)

Take off the limit on Playthough Notes and regular Notes -

The backloggery also has a limit on the notes section and I have this game log I keep, for example:

Grand Theft Auto V

{ 09-26-2016 4:35 PM }

Starting - Story Mode
Difficulty - Not Available
Mission - Prologue

{ 09-26-2016 8:38 PM }

Mission Finished -

Franklin and Lamar
Marriage Counseling
Friend Request
Casing The Jewel Store

Side Missions -

Pulling Favors (Strangers and Freaks)

7.7% Game Complete

I completed this game but this is just a small section of the game log and the full thing doesn't fit on either section because it has a limit.

Add "Others" option to the format list -

Physical, Digital, and Others would be great to see.

Not limit the completion percentage -

On some games for example GTA V you don't complete the overall game on 100%, I finished the story at 59.9% let the user manually add the percentage including the dot.

Add a "Endless" option to where you choose if you completed the game or not -

Some games like Gang Beasts, ect. and a LOT of iOS games can't be finished because they are endless and can be played without a goal per say.


That's most if not all the features I would like to see, sorry for very long post and thanks for taking the time to read it.

Post Edited on 10/25/2016 14:46:47
Steph Posts: 4 Registered: 10/25/2016
# 2 - Posted on 10/25/2016 4:02:00

Not sure why all the numbers changed to 1.?

[ Edit: Fixed it ]

Post Edited on 10/25/2016 14:45:31
moho_00 Curator Backer Posts: 7074 Registered: 6/10/2011
# 3 - Posted on 10/25/2016 11:30:44

First off, welcome to the site! I'm glad to hear it has some features you're interested in using You have a variety of feedback items here, so I'll respond to each individually.

Completion Times

There are two parts to this response. First is that the way completions are entered is a little outdated at this point and is something I plan to address in the future. Specifically, I've discovered that many users don't enter the time and put in "0" or "1" just to get the completion entered. I'm going to eventually change this screen so you first have to choose if you have a time to report or not. Completions are really meant for collecting the actual time and that's all. If you need to log that you completed a game (or in your case, enter the difficulty), this isn't the interface you'd want to use and you should just need to modify the game in your collection (via Quick Edit) to set the appropriate progress status.

The second part is that entering the difficulty or rating for a game is slightly different than everything else on the site. These values are tied directly to the game itself and NOT an item in your collection or a completion time. If you select a difficulty or rating, you should see a little "saved" message pop up. It's at that point the difficulty / rating has been saved to the database, so there's no need to actually enter a completion. I know that's not the most intuitive approach, but it's kinda where things have landed. You can also change the difficulty when editing a game in your collection by using the Quick Edit button.

Manually Entered Games

This is a commonly requested feature and unfortunately it's not something I plan to add anytime soon. One of the main reasons I've held off is that it would require a rather large architectural change. These games would need to be separate from the curated games that I add myself, which have been vetted our for accuracy and duplication. As you can imagine, there are A LOT of places on the site that pull a list of games and every single one would need to be updated to include / exclude the user-entered games. What I mean by that is if you enter game XYZ, it shouldn't show up when I search for a game since XYZ hasn't been "approved".

In the early days of Completionator, I wrestled with whether the site should use a game lookup or just provide a manually entered approach like Backloggery. In fact, the site originally was like Backloggery, but I switched it to the way it is now just before open beta in May 2014. I opted for the approach we have now since it opened the door to community-wide statistics like completion times, admin-entered stuff like genres and release dates, VGPC integration, etc. By going with this approach, I feel it's critical to make sure the database is as clean as possible and thus, I continue to play gatekeeper for what gets added

iOS Games

We've discussed mobile games before and the general feeling is that if they're "bigger" games, they should be added. I think the main thing we're trying to avoid is opening the floodgates and have 20 entries of "Mahjong Solitaire" on here. It's not that they don't belong, it's that it would clutter up everything else. That would explain why many of the iOS games you have aren't on here yet.

The good news is, you posted a link to your Backloggery, so I can reconcile what's on you iOS list and add the missing games It might take me a few days or so, but I should be able to do it.

Notes Character Limits

I'm not sure what the current limit is, but I can increase it. The only implication I can see is these notes are displayed in various places and really long ones might cause layout issues. I can fix this by capping the character limit in the UI and add a "more" link to load the rest of the text or something. Nevertheless, I'll add an item to my list to increase these.

"Others" Format

I'm not sure I understand what "Others" would apply to? Do you have an example?

Completion Percentage

Are you talking about the completion progress bar for games on the Collection page? If so, you have complete control over it. It will automatically change to 100% if you select Finished or Completionated as the progress status, but you can still change it.

"Endless" Option

The "N/A" progress status was added to handle games that are endless. It will keep them out of calculations that rely on progress status (like on your Stats page).

Post Edited on 10/25/2016 11:33:54
Steph Posts: 4 Registered: 10/25/2016
# 4 - Posted on 10/25/2016 15:23:19

Thank you for all the clarification and the quick responds! :)


Completion Times

Yes found the work around, at the time I was on my phone and things are kinda differently place.

Manually Entered Games

Yes I see where you're coming from but requesting games to be added seems, to me personally a bother for you guys if that makes sense. For example ratemymusic (a music collection site) also has its own database and they have so many request backed-up that it takes forever for them to add the album you want, especially if the music is foreign. I think it would be the same for games, when the website gets bigger and keeps growing there will be so many request to add games, it would take forever not to mention the information to the games ( Example: I was searching though some games here and some of them don't have all the information filled out.) Unless you let the user fill in the information / cove art and summit to get approval, which could be faster I think. (That way we can upload better quality cover art ) Hope this makes sense kinda hard to explain xD

iOS Games

Same as I said above I see where you're coming from.

Notes Character Limits

Yes thank you and adding a "more" link to reveal the rest of the text should work.

Others" Format

Would roms (NES, SNES, ect) be classified as digital? I thought the "other" option would be good for that. Even online flash games from like or Happy Wheels would also be good under the "Other" option.

Completion Percentage

Again found a work around. [ Side Note: The percentage are full numbers ( 20%, 30%, ect) some games give you 55.5%, 68.9%, ect. that's what i meant by the "dot" ] { Yes the OCD is strong in this one xD }

"Endless" Option

Once again makes sense. [ The OCD again, I like the label / categorization ]


Systems / Platforms

Having "Steam" as its own platform would be nice. I don't want to put games on the PC and Mac section when it can be for both. As well as browser section for games like Happy Wheels.


I haven't change my avatar because I don't really want to make a account in Gravatar, maybe just let users upload there own icon.

Delete my feed entries

An option to delete entries, sometimes you make a mistake on a game and don't want the wrong thing showing up on your feed.

Post Edited on 10/25/2016 23:23:00