chronotron Posts: 21 Registered: 11/14/2016
# 1 - Posted on 11/15/2016 1:22:31

Love the site! One thing I've noticed while adding games is that tags can only be added to one game at a time from the Collection page. Right now, I'm adding a large number of games, and I want to tag all of them with one specific tag. Any of these features would be helpful:

  • A setting that lets you add a specific tag(s) to all new games added (just like you can set all newly added games to automatically be backlogged)
  • The ability to add tags when adding games to the collection with "Quick Add"
  • A way to bulk add tags, so that you can select a large number of games in your collection and add tags to them all at once. Being able to view all the games in my collection with no tags and bulk add tags to them would be awesome.

As an aside, being able edit tags (like, if you realized later you misspelled a tag, you can just fix it in one spot rather than having to remove and re-add it to every individual game) and bulk remove tags would be great features to see.

Also, I'd just like to say THANK YOU SO MUCH for allowing games to be filtered by multiple tags at once. Way too many sites don't do that, so I appreciate that Completionator does.

UPDATE: I decided Lists worked better for what I was doing, though it would still be great to see more ways to add tags in the future, and the suggestions apply to lists, too. Automatically adding all newly added games to a selected list(s), being able to set lists from "Quick Add," and being able to select multiple games and bulk add them to a list would all be very handy features.

Post Edited on 11/15/2016 21:20:06
Zaidel Posts: 116 Registered: 9/11/2016
# 2 - Posted on 11/20/2016 15:08:07

About tags
It seems like you can't add certain characters to them. If you do, they will display properly but if you search which games have that specific tag nothing shows up.
The autocomplete function doesn't work properly either.
An example of this would be "Beat 'em Up".

To further expand on this, you can't create posts or comments that have these two characters together:


The autocomplete thing autocompletes "Beat 'em Up" using these two characters together so it might be related.

Post Edited on 11/20/2016 15:13:02
Absurd Logic Posts: 1 Registered: 12/1/2016
# 3 - Posted on 12/6/2016 0:50:42

I'd also love to see a bulk tag edit option. Maybe even a bulk 'hide' or 'set list' option too, but I'd be happy if it was just tags. This site already saves a lot of organizing time (and thank you for that!), especially when importing games from other sites, but it does get tedious editing them all one by one.

HunterZ Posts: 4 Registered: 11/5/2015
# 4 - Posted on 5/14/2017 21:18:39

Has this been addressed? It's tedious adding one tag at a time to one game at a time.

SonicChiliDog Posts: 16 Registered: 6/7/2017
# 5 - Posted on 9/10/2017 17:03:54

Seconding a bulk tag option

moho_00 Curator Backer Posts: 7117 Registered: 6/10/2011
# 6 - Posted on 9/10/2017 17:19:39

Entering tags in bulk has been implemented If you're viewing your collection, you should see a checkbox below the stack of buttons to the left of each item. You can check one or more of those and then click on the green Edit button (it's next to the blue Add Game to Collection button) and then the Tags option. You'll be given a modal for editing tags for all of the games you selected.