# 1 -
Posted on 12/1/2016 13:03:53
Thanks for accepting this bounty! Here you can talk with other bounty hunters as you progress through the game and keep everyone up to date on your progress. |
# 2 -
Posted on 12/5/2016 16:45:43
Sweet I didn't realize this was part of the Megaton Edition until I double-checked. |
# 3 -
Posted on 12/5/2016 16:55:43
I started playing it yesterday and it's alright so far. It starts out a lot harder than the original Duke Nukem 3D and I wasn't quite ready for that haha. I got stuck on the second level because I have no idea where I need to go. I was only scoping the game out though, so I didn't spend much time trying to figure it out hehe. |
# 4 -
Posted on 12/5/2016 20:11:18
Haha I started it for just a couple of minutes and got my ass kicked on the first level. But I am more than okay with a Duke Nukem christmas. Looks like it will be great to play this month. |
# 5 -
Posted on 12/6/2016 15:08:03
I know exactly where you got stuck I think. It took me almost an hour on level 2 alone cause I was so lost. Still thoroughly enjoying it though. Hint: That high rise on the other side from where you start, you have to get up and into. |
# 6 -
Posted on 12/7/2016 1:43:59
Alright, beat it this evening. I know most of the complaints were level repetition from the original and 'laziness', but dammit any Duke Nukem is the most ridiculously fun shooter around. Definitely the highlight of my December gaming thus far :P |
# 7 -
Posted on 12/7/2016 14:44:54
I'm not sure I completed level 2 properly, but I managed to find a jetpack and flew around and found my way out. I think part of the problem is that I've played Duke Nukem 3D so much that playing the same level like that kinda messed with me haha. I think I have two levels left. |