# 1 -
Posted on 1/6/2017 4:00:11
So how is everyone handling DLC when it comes to entering completion times? Normally when I have DLC it is because I bought a GOTY version or something, in which case, I include the DLC as part of the completion (ie no completion time entered until game + DLC is done). I just finished Costume Quest though, which has DLC that I'm still playing. I entered the completion time as core + a few extras and will probably add a second completion time as either completionated or core + lots of extras oncr I finish Grubbins on Ice. Just wondering how other folks are handling this scenario. |
Posts: 245
Registered: 6/28/2016
# 2 -
Posted on 1/6/2017 4:08:04
Well right now for that kind of thing I would do as you have and log the completion as Core + Lots of Extras for each package and in the description designate that it was for the DLC specific task. I would hold off on the Completionated status until all packages of DLC are completed as a whole. I have concerns with DLC as well, and how to log them properly, as it can vastly alter the overall percentage of completion, but I think that could be a potential discussion topic among Curators. Standalone DLC packages allow for one to log them as a separate entity, but in your case (and mine) the DLC is only an addition to the core game. I can see how this could also throw off some completion times in such a way, so it has been a concern of mine for awhile. For now, this seems like the most straightforward approach to handling additional content.
Post Edited on 1/6/2017 4:09:53
# 3 -
Posted on 1/6/2017 4:34:55
Could go either way with me. If there's a large span of time between playing through the base game and getting the DLC done, I'll likely make multiple entries. If I intend to do DLC content during/immediately after the base game, I'll lump it together. The important thing for me is that I specify the details in my playthrough notes though so that if someone looks at my time spent, they'll know what went into it. Much like a lot of the site's features, it's really up to the users and their personal preference on these kinds of things. |