moho_00 Curator Backer Posts: 7117 Registered: 6/10/2011
# 1 - Posted on 1/14/2017 13:29:51

Wow, it seems like forever since I posted one of these! In reality, we've had a few small releases between the last one, but they were never large enough to warrant a full post. So this one includes everything since the last release notes thread. I'm hoping we can get back to a regular update schedule now :D

  • Added a section to the Game Details page to display game thoughts
  • Modified the Bounty Details page so it displays whether or not the game is in your collection
  • Added image support for game thoughts
  • Modified the In My Collection link so it will include the game, even if it's in a compilation and your default is to NOT include those
  • Fixed an issue where the Unarchive modal was displaying an "Archive" button instead of "Unarchive"
  • Fixed an issue where emojis were messing up auto-hyperlinks
  • Fixed an issue with the Completions page where the URL would not update if you sorted a column
  • Fixed an issue with the Completions page where the sort values in the URL would not be applied when you first arrived to the screen (which made it difficult to share the link)
  • Modified the Company autocomplete so it uses a minimum 2 characters instead of 3
  • Admin Game Search page now applies the keyword filter just like the main Game Search page
  • Added a new Homepage link type
  • Added an Owned column to the Admin Game Search page