moho_00 Curator Backer Posts: 7077 Registered: 6/10/2011
# 1 - Posted on 2/11/2017 12:58:40

This release was mainly focused on the chat revamp, but there are a bunch of other smaller items as well. Many thanks to @smande00 for knocking out a few of these! For simplicity, I'm just going to copy / paste the chat revamp stuff from the original thread.

  • Underneath the hood, everything found under the "Chat" section on the Profile page is actually a part of the Feed. These were previously two separate components. All existing data was moved over.
  • You can still enter a comment on someone's profile (or your own), but it goes in as a Feed post that's tied to a user instead of a game (which was previously the only way a Feed post could be generated).
  • If you hover over an item in the "Chat" or "Thoughts" sections on the Profile page, you'll notice the cursor is a pointer. You can actually click anywhere on the right-side of the entry and it will pop open a modal where you can view the original post and any existing comments. You can also enter a new comment.
  • On the Feed page, there's a new activity filter for "Chat" which covers these new posts. I noticed a bug this morning where the number of filters applied isn't working with the new type, so I'll be working on that one.
  • Each item on the Feed page is clickable, exactly like the ones on the Profile page mentioned above. They all pull open the exact same modal.
  • There's a new comments count that shows up and the existing likes count has been redesigned a bit
  • Usernames are now Profile links on the Forum and Thread listing pages
  • Friend request emails now include a URL back to the site
  • Fixed an issue with certain JSON queries failing due to the message length
  • Added Gravatar to the My Friends grids
  • Added a create / requested date column to the various My Friends grids
  • Increased the amount of rows that can be displayed per page on the various My Friends grids
  • Added the published date to the View Stack page
  • Added the published date to the View Article page
  • Fixed a bug where the Collection Growth chart was sorted incorrectly on the My Explorer page