# 1 -
Posted on 2/21/2017 14:56:54
Just a Quick question. Who's in charge of things like release dates, publishers, and developers of newly added games, and how to do I help them out. |
# 2 -
Posted on 2/22/2017 1:36:09
We have a team of curators that work together to gradually load in missing info. We used to import data, but we found it didn't quite line up with how we've modeled the database. As for helping out, feel free to point out any incorrect information you happen to run across. There are A LOT of games that will be missing data, so it's more about identifying issues in what we do have entered. We occasionally invite additional curators to keep things moving and look to active community members that have expressed an interest in helping out, so I will keep this thread in mind
Post Edited on 2/22/2017 1:37:03
# 3 -
Posted on 2/22/2017 1:45:47
Those that have Curator under their name, like myself, have the ability to add in the game information for games. moho_00 is the one in charge of assigning curators. I would message him if you are interested in entering game info. The site has over 23,000 games loaded to it so entering this info is no easy feat. I average loading info for about 100 games a week in my free time but more than that gets loaded in for new games each week. So if you like loading info and watching the finish line constantly extend further like I do, then send moho a message! :) Or...what Moho said above. (We keep posting at the same time lately moho lol)
Post Edited on 2/22/2017 1:47:21