It's time for the 8th Annual Completionator Community Top 10! Check out this thread for your chance to win a $20 Steam gift card.
wczorajszy Posts: 4 Registered: 4/4/2017
# 1 - Posted on 4/5/2017 8:01:36

There are two different completion sheets.
One, next to game poster (Browse Games, My Collection) and this sheet is right.
Another one, in My Completions page. This sheet is without rating and difficulty, and you can't add these features afer creating completion (edit is the same sheet).
If you create completion from first sheet (this right), another one will be updated to the first version. I hope this is understandable.

dhobo Curator Backer Posts: 1968 Registered: 1/5/2015
# 2 - Posted on 4/5/2017 14:39:33


Some fields are tied to the completion itself, things like time played, date completed, etc...

Other fields are tied to a specific game, like rating and difficulty.

When you click the add completion button from My Collection/Browse Games, you're clicking it beside a game which creates a form that's already associated with that specific game, and thus able to load in both sets of fields at the same time. ie: The "right" sheet.

When you use the add completion button from My Completions, it's more of a "generic" button, as there's no game immediately tied to it so it can't load in those game-specific fields when the form is created. ie: "wrong" sheet.

In an ideal situation, once you picked a game from the drop-down, it would then show you the rating/difficulty fields, but I think that's trickier to implement than it seems on the surface (moho_00 will know the answer to this since he programs everything here.)

As for the edit button loading the "wrong" sheet again, it's because when you click to edit a completion, it's meant to only edit Completion-specific info.

I hope that made sense! (and I hope I got the info right, lol)


  • What about placing the game list drop-down beside the add completion button on the My Completions page instead of including it in the form? Would that enable you to load up the "better" form that includes game + completion fields?
  • One issue I've encountered during some testing with this: If a game isn't in your collection, but you create a completion for it via Browse Games and give it a rating, difficulty, etc... You have no way of changing those values after the fact since it's not in your collection to edit.
  • While we're talking about completion sheets. I'd love to have the achievements fields be accessible from the completion form so I don't have to look up the game again to fill out this information after filling out a completion.
Post Edited on 4/5/2017 15:02:17
moho_00 Curator Backer Posts: 7042 Registered: 6/10/2011
# 3 - Posted on 4/5/2017 18:06:08

Yeah, adding the game dropdown to the main form would allow the rating / difficulty options to show up when entering a completion. To be honest, I've long considered retiring the "generic" add completion and add to wish list options since they complicate those screens and having a regular dropdown with all of the games in it is not very user-friendly. I've started incorporating an autocomplete / search option for selecting a game, but it's not site-wide yet.

The issue with not being able to modify the rating / difficulty of a game unless it's in your collection is definitely an issue I'd like to resolve. I've considered making those options editable on the Game Details page for logged in users.

The achievements field is a good idea, but it's a little tricky since when you're entering a completion it's not necessarily 1::1 with an item in your collection. I could have it work similar to how the progress status option works in that it will update anything in your collection that matches the game and platform. That should cover most cases.

wczorajszy Posts: 4 Registered: 4/4/2017
# 4 - Posted on 4/5/2017 18:35:47

Thanks for explanation. I thought it was a mistake.

dhobo Curator Backer Posts: 1968 Registered: 1/5/2015
# 5 - Posted on 4/5/2017 22:24:26


re: retiring alternate forms:
Never a bad idea to make things a bit more uniform throughout the site. Excising those forms would make for a smoother, less confusing user experience overall.

re: non-collection games rating/difficulty
If you got rid of the generic add completion button entirely (and I would even go so far as to remove the add completion button from browse games for that matter), this wouldn't be a problem anymore. Are there are lot of people who have used the ability to add completions for games not in their collection? I mean, you've got the mechanism in place where someone can mark something as "previously owned/rented" etc... so really, there's no excuse to not add a game to the collection. Might be a case of providing too much functionality at the expense of overcomplicating things. Granted, as a design graduate, I could be biased since the "less is more" mentality was hammered into my thick skull for years.

re: achievements:
Using the same update process as progress status it will get a bit clunky in the case of PC/Windows digital titles due to there being separate platforms for digital titles that each track their own set of achievements.
I'm thinking of a situation where a Steam game would have it's own list vs. GOG. Or others like Origin, UPlay and smaller miscellaneous digital launchers/platforms.

Wouldn't be a problem for say, Playstation, since PSN games are treated the same regardless of physical/digital... and while I'm not entirely familiar with xbox, I'm sure it's similar.