# 1 -
Posted on 5/16/2017 18:20:35
Not sure if this has been implemented or not -- but basically I'd like to edit or delete and recreate one of the "thoughts" I've made on a game. I'm not seeing a way to do so. |
# 2 -
Posted on 5/16/2017 18:49:59
I second this; there have been times where I either tested out the thought feature, and/or created a duplicate of a thought. |
# 3 -
Posted on 5/18/2017 11:43:52
Editing thoughts should be easy since they're actually the same thing under the hood as the "chat" messages on the Profile page, which are editable. Deleting them is a technically easy thing to build, but now that you can comment on things (such as thoughts), it throws a bit of a wrinkle into things. If you delete a thought, should it just disappear completely, along with any comments it may have had on it or should the content of the item you deleted disappear and be replaced by something like "this content has been deleted", which is how we handle deleted forum posts. In any case, deleting content is definitely something that needs to be built...just gotta figure out how to do it. |
# 4 -
Posted on 5/18/2017 18:42:47
The other thing I dislike about the permanence of thoughts is that they bubble up onto the game's stats page. I had no idea at first, and had written some spoilery type stuff on there. Doh. Edit would be enough to fix my issues, deletion would be great but its not as important.
Post Edited on 5/18/2017 18:43:33
# 5 -
Posted on 5/23/2017 16:29:21
I see an edit button! Thanks moho. |