# 1 -
Posted on 5/26/2017 15:02:23
I've been on a roll this week of 'Completionating' quick and easy games in a ridiculous Steam backlog. And this list has proven a very nice means of knowing what to knock out. So I figured I'd share it here: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=536783594. Any other lists/sites or anything you guys use for this purpose? Maybe non-Steam-specific lists? |
# 2 -
Posted on 5/26/2017 15:24:11
Very cool list! I'll have to find some games in my collection to try and knock out I like using short / easy games in between bigger games (or to take a break during a bigger one) and the best option I've found thus far is to focus on arcade compilation packs. They usually provide a bunch of games and generally have unlimited continues to eliminate frustration. I also put together this stack for games that take less than one hour: http://completionator.com/Stack/View/6 |
# 3 -
Posted on 5/27/2017 17:24:45
Nice! I'd missed that stack. I needed a bit of a refresh from the list I've been working on for far too long so figured I'd knock out some short ones in the interim :) |