brvsn Posts: 21 Registered: 5/19/2017
# 1 - Posted on 5/29/2017 8:18:12

€ currency uses , to separate decimals not the . (used for $ for example). When I copy and paste an € amount the system always remove the , without even changing to a point, so 2,15 for example become 215; I have to remember to manually fix that every time.
But still it's not correct using the point..

moho_00 Curator Backer Posts: 7048 Registered: 6/10/2011
# 2 - Posted on 5/31/2017 13:23:59

Hmm...this might be a tricky one. Ideally, the UI should allow you to enter a period or comma to separate decimal values. I'll see if I can modify the validation to support this or if that doesn't work, maybe I can intercept your paste operation and convert them to a period. For viewing purposes (like on the Collection Search page), showing a comma if you're using € currency shouldn't be a problem. The way the data is stored on the backend though, I kinda have to have it in a decimal format (regardless if it's a currency value).

brvsn Posts: 21 Registered: 5/19/2017
# 3 - Posted on 6/1/2017 11:18:01

I can assure you that no comma (,) allowed, only point (.)