darthbob2000 Posts: 119 Registered: 3/3/2014
# 1 - Posted on 6/8/2017 17:35:13


Post Edited on 6/8/2017 17:36:16
darthbob2000 Posts: 119 Registered: 3/3/2014
# 2 - Posted on 6/8/2017 17:35:49

What do you want to see out of this year's E3?

dhobo Curator Backer Posts: 1968 Registered: 1/5/2015
# 3 - Posted on 6/8/2017 18:49:21

Obviously, more info on what Scorpio is and isn't. Along with what plans MS has to breathe life into their comparatively weak library of exclusives.

What, if anything, Sony will say/do to try and take some of the wind out of MS's sails.

Other than that, I just love watching E3 to see new IP reveals, even if they're years away from release.

darthbob2000 Posts: 119 Registered: 3/3/2014
# 4 - Posted on 6/13/2017 13:31:07

I am hoping for some insight as to whether or not Switch is going to get some more major third party support not that it has had a fairly successful launch and people seem to like it.

darthbob2000 Posts: 119 Registered: 3/3/2014
# 5 - Posted on 6/13/2017 16:36:12

I have watched some of the Nintendo Live Stream.

  • Super Mario Odyssey looks fantastic
  • Metroid Prime 4 is(finally) on the way
  • Rocket League is coming for the Switch and surprisingly (to me at least) it will be cross platform

Looks like Nintendo might be getting a few more developers on board with some of the EA Sports games and with Rocket League. Hoping that trend continues.

The Playstation content the Sony had to show with Spiderman and God of War looked great. I think they are going to have a great E3.

moho_00 Curator Backer Posts: 7117 Registered: 6/10/2011
# 6 - Posted on 6/13/2017 16:58:52

I'm still absorbing all of the information, but here are my initial thoughts on what I've seen:

  • Super Mario Odyssey releasing in October!?! That's a bit earlier than I anticipated, but I'm not complaining! The game looks fantastic.
  • Splatoon 2 looks like a blast, but I hope it has a meatier single-player mode than the first one did.
  • Metroid Prime 4? FINALLY. Now I should actually finish the last two...
  • A "core RPG" Pokemon game for Switch, YES! I've never played one of those before and it's solely because I don't want to play on a handheld. If it's truly like the others, I will absolutely be buying it.
  • God of War using Norse mythology sounds like a PERFECT match.
  • Let me say this calmly: Shadow of the Colossus Remastered.
  • I'm not sure I've ever been so conflicted on a game trailer, but Beyond Good and Evil 2 looks....not good. I didn't want "GTA in space", I wanted Beyond Good and Evil 2. I will remain cautiously optimistic though since Michel Ancel is one of my favorite designers and I've had so much fun playing his games over the years.
  • Please Microsoft, don't screw up Age of Empires: Definitive Edition. And make sure you release it on Steam....ON DAY ONE.
  • If Monster Hunter World on PC has solid keyboard / mouse controls...I'M IN!
  • I wish Quake Champions had bots / single-player
  • Spider-Man for PS4 still looks awesome.
dhobo Curator Backer Posts: 1968 Registered: 1/5/2015
# 7 - Posted on 6/13/2017 19:03:02

Devolver Digital had the best presentation out of every company by leaps and bounds.

All of Sony's games looked great, but I was pretty disappointed that it was more of a "Hey, here's an hour long video of games you've seen before!" Getting people up on stage to excitedly announce new IPs/iterations of games is a highlight for me, and none of that happened with Sony apart from Monster Hunter World, which didn't really have a presenter or anything.

Beyond Good and Evil 2 is such a bizarre tonal shift from the first game it might as well not even be the same franchise. (ie: Prey vs new Prey)
That said, I'm still pretty intrigued by it since it's still a Beyond Good and Evil game :P

All in all, I feel it was one of the weaker e3's I've seen in several years, but it wasn't completely terrible or anything.

Post Edited on 6/13/2017 19:03:48
jwcooley Curator Posts: 984 Registered: 2/28/2014
# 8 - Posted on 6/13/2017 22:35:07

I'm back from my LONG stupid hiatus from gaming/Completionator just in time to chime in on E3.

I've only had an opportunity to watch Sony's press conference and my initial thoughts are the following:

Spider-Man for the PS4 looks ridiculously good. I was REALLY hoping that we'd see a 2017 release date, though.
Monster Hunter World looks really cool but I've never played any of them in the past. I will wait and see what the feedback is on it before giving it any sort of consideration.
The Inpatient on VR looked pretty interesting. Still not enough of a library to convince me to get a VR set just yet, but that game is probably the second reason (after RE7) that I've actually had to do so.
Uncharted: Lost Legacy - I still need to play 4, but this looked great.
God of War 4 - OH man. If it wouldn't have been for Spider-Man, I think this might have been my favorite of the Sony conference.
Days Gone seems really interesting. Another one that I'll have to wait and see how it reviews.