jwcooley Curator Posts: 984 Registered: 2/28/2014
# 1 - Posted on 6/29/2017 4:02:06

Anybody interested in trekking through this game together? It's super cheap right now on Steam and it can support up to 3 players. The game is super short and is actually pretty fun.

Any takers?

darthbob2000 Posts: 119 Registered: 3/3/2014
# 2 - Posted on 6/30/2017 14:33:25

I plan to sit down tonight and buy and install it. I gotta see if I can dig teh money out of the couch cushions first ;-)

darthbob2000 Posts: 119 Registered: 3/3/2014
# 3 - Posted on 6/30/2017 14:34:40

I love old school style beat em ups. Nice mindsless and simple. Start at left. Walk right. If it is on the screen hit it. Good times.

jwcooley Curator Posts: 984 Registered: 2/28/2014
# 4 - Posted on 7/1/2017 0:47:15

I've played through as all three characters. Ready to try this one with more than just me playing it.

darthbob2000 Posts: 119 Registered: 3/3/2014
# 5 - Posted on 7/5/2017 16:48:20

OK. I was a little pricey, but I took it on faith that you would never lead wrong and I coughed up the .79 to get this. I haven't installed yet (guessing that takes about 6 seconds from the looks of the screenshots) But I have it at the sale price. Any thoughts on when you want to do this ?

jwcooley Curator Posts: 984 Registered: 2/28/2014
# 6 - Posted on 7/6/2017 2:12:19

I should be available around 11 on. Just send me a Steam message when you're ready.

darthbob2000 Posts: 119 Registered: 3/3/2014
# 7 - Posted on 7/10/2017 13:20:06

Taking another swing at this tonight @jwcooley ?

jwcooley Curator Posts: 984 Registered: 2/28/2014
# 8 - Posted on 7/11/2017 2:02:18

Can't tonight (Monday) but I'm definitely thinking that Tuesday night will work.