moho_00 Curator Backer Posts: 7117 Registered: 6/10/2011
# 1 - Posted on 7/21/2017 20:42:10

We had previously discussed on the forum the idea of having categories when setting up your playthrough goals. For example, a playthrough for Breath of the Wild could have categories like this:

  • Shrines
  • Korok Seeds
  • Divine Beasts

Within each of those categories, you could have the individual goals. Categories would be completely optional and by default maybe they all fall under the "General" category or something.

This is a pretty drastic shift as far as the UI is concerned when managing goals, so if I'm going to rebuild it, we may as well consider some other items as well!

  • Buttons / icons next to each row to move it to the top / bottom of the list
  • Button / icon to allow you to quickly copy the goals you've entered (for pasting onto the forums, into another playthrough, etc)

I know we've also discussed the idea of importing goals from other users and such, but I'm not sure our data is quite ready for that, so I'll probably hold off on that one for now.

dhobo Curator Backer Posts: 1968 Registered: 1/5/2015
# 2 - Posted on 7/21/2017 21:59:36

Adding a counter to the categories would be nice too!

So you could have something along the lines of:

  • Shrines (0/80)

    • Shrine #1

    • Shrine #2

    • etc...

  • Korok Seeds (45/900)

    • Korok Seed #1 (complete!)

    • Korok Seed #2 (complete!)

    • etc...

  • Divine Beasts (1/4)

    • Fred

    • Gary

    • Bill (complete!)

    • Hortense

Marcelloz Curator Backer Posts: 277 Registered: 9/14/2014
# 3 - Posted on 7/23/2017 18:45:42

^^ just entering the playthrough goals for Dragon Quest Builders, and as it is divided in chapters and sub-chapters I would like the implementation suggested (including counters)
I would stick with 1 level deep, perhaps 2 but that would make things unneccesary difficult I think (and I would not use it ;-) )

Importing from other users would be nice, perhaps start with a simple implementation: users can 'share' their goals for a game (just a check box 'share this' and as a user you should be able to see a list of shared goal-lists for a game, pre-view it and just say 'copy this one'. Of course it should have curation but my guess is that not a lot of people use it (??) so it should not be that much moderation.

Nice one to see this moving forward :-)

moho_00 Curator Backer Posts: 7117 Registered: 6/10/2011
# 4 - Posted on 8/11/2017 20:33:43

I started working on goal "groups" (went with that term instead of categories since it's shorter hehe) today and it's been a rather tricky feature to implement. To simplify things on my end (both in terms of programming and UI management), you will need to manage goals and groups in separate modals / interfaces. The group management modal is identical to the current goal one, except there's no bulk adding (didn't think that was really necessary). The goal management modal has been revamped so it shows the groups you've added and of course puts the goals in their appropriate container. Since there's so much data out there and groups won't always be wanted / needed for a playthrough, I had to allow goals to NOT be associated with a group. This is sort of masked by the UI by placing anything that doesn't have a "real" group in a [No Group Assigned] group that's always at the top. I know this is probably confusing to follow, but you will all see what I mean soon and I think it'll make more sense

Everything is functional right now, meaning you can manage the groups and move your goals around, but it needs some testing and polishing. That being said, I'm going to try and get this one out the door this weekend since I've been unable to work on the site for a couple of weeks, but we'll see!

dhobo Curator Backer Posts: 1968 Registered: 1/5/2015
# 5 - Posted on 8/11/2017 22:07:53

Your implementation explanation made sense to me. Shame groups have to be done through another modal though, makes it a bit cumbersome on the user end of things.

I'm looking forward to it though! Be nice to sort things out a bit better in some of my active playthroughs.

romando Curator Backer Posts: 58 Registered: 3/27/2017
# 6 - Posted on 8/11/2017 22:16:32

I just wanted to say that this would be brilliant. It is really untidy the way I set my playthroughs at the moment. This would be awesome to see implemented.

moho_00 Curator Backer Posts: 7117 Registered: 6/10/2011
# 7 - Posted on 8/12/2017 1:05:02

Phew, I barely made it before calling it a night! Goal groups are pretty much done at this point and although I know I'll need to make some tweaks, I wanted to get them out to everyone to try out. As I mentioned before, there's a new "Edit Groups" button for each playthrough that you can use to manage the groups. Once you've entered them, they should show up on the Edit Goals modal. You should be able to add goals just as you did before, but now you have the ability to select a group to put the goal in. You can move goals freely from group-to-group, so you're not locked in or anything.

I only have a few more items on my list for this task:

  • Modify the View Goals modal on the Profile page so it shows groups
  • Possibly hide the [No Group Assigned] "group" if you don't have anything in it on the Edit Goals modal. I'm not sure about this one, so I figured we could see how it is first, but the idea would be this "fake" group would hide / show based on whether you have anything in it. It would always be shown in the dropdown, but not necessarily in the main area on the modal. To get a better idea for how it would look, the main goals display on the Playthroughs page does NOT show this group when it's empty.
  • I found a bug after I had already closed up shop for the night :( If you save goal groups, the underlying group listing isn't being updated.

Another potentially larger option would be a quick "move to group" option on the Edit Goals modal. I'm group-ifying a playthrough right now and it's not as smooth as I'd like when moving goals around in bulk. I know that's not the primary use-case since you would generally have your groups entered in advance, but it seems like it could be better. As a side-note, you have to have the groups expanded in order to drag into them.

Anyways, let me know what you guys think! As always, if you run across any bugs (aside from the one above), I'll try to squash them as soon as I can, but it should be fairly stable at this point.

Post Edited on 8/12/2017 1:08:04
Marcelloz Curator Backer Posts: 277 Registered: 9/14/2014
# 8 - Posted on 8/12/2017 8:05:27

Great feature! Already used it and it works like a charm.

The [No Group Assigned] message should be a little smaller but ok if it stays.

A bug I encountered was that after entering groups, they show at the first playthrough (having entered them in the 5th or so playthrough in the list). If you press the Groups button of that game (the first one in the list) you also see the list. After a reload it was OK again.
[update] when trying to repeat this it didn't work. Perhaps because i didn't have any groups yet it didn't work. Curious but now gone.

Keep up the great work! \o/

Post Edited on 8/12/2017 8:11:18
dhobo Curator Backer Posts: 1968 Registered: 1/5/2015
# 9 - Posted on 8/12/2017 15:16:20

So far this is pretty darned fantastic. I've been kinda slacking on working on adding/updating my playthroughs since these new features were Coming Soon(tm) and now I have a great excuse to start getting more organized (and bug test, lol) :)

That said, I have run into an issue:

1) Create new group(s) for game with existing goals.
2) Trying to move an existing ungrouped goal into any of the new empty groups doesn't work. (Expanded or collapsed, tried both)


  • Directly create new goal in new group as temp placeholder. Goals can now be moved into empty group. Delete temp goal.

Personally, I would remove the "No Group Assigned." It's unnecessary. The hiding if empty option works as a compromise, but I'd still lean towards not having it show at all.

Post Edited on 8/12/2017 15:16:45
Drymonema Curator Backer Posts: 395 Registered: 5/31/2016
# 10 - Posted on 8/12/2017 17:17:32

Love it! I agree with Dhobo though that some way to move existing goals between categories would be great. So far I've just redone goals with categories.

EDIT: Just looking at the Feed too, is there any way to make this interact with the feed? Like the goal feed component would just have the category right above the goal text.

Post Edited on 8/12/2017 17:27:05
moho_00 Curator Backer Posts: 7117 Registered: 6/10/2011
# 11 - Posted on 8/12/2017 18:07:42

Looks like the "dragging existing goals into empty groups" bug is a Chrome issue. It works fine for me in Firefox. I have a fix for it though, so it will be coming later today

@Marcelloz - I was able to recreate your bug. It was happening if you edited the goals for a playthrough, then edited the groups for different playthrough...the first playthrough you edited would be updated in the UI instead of the second one. The data itself should've been stored properly, so this was purely a UI refresh issue. I'm speaking in past tense here because it's fixed now and will go out soon!

Do you guys like how the groups are collapsed by default when you open the Edit Goals modal?

EDIT Both of the fixes are now live!

Post Edited on 8/12/2017 18:23:49
BinkieSmalls Curator Posts: 107 Registered: 12/3/2016
# 12 - Posted on 8/12/2017 22:35:11

The goals is a nice addition to the website Added a quick few for Child of Eden and didn't encouter any problems. Will try a few more things with it tomorrow.

dhobo Curator Backer Posts: 1968 Registered: 1/5/2015
# 13 - Posted on 8/13/2017 0:59:53

I definitely like how they're collapsed on opening. Especially since I tend to manage pretty beefy goal lists.

Byzantene Posts: 30 Registered: 11/29/2016
# 14 - Posted on 8/20/2017 6:56:37

Hey, this is a great idea! I haven't had a chance to try it out yet, but I can already see this working well with my FF15 playthrough as I've been hoping for a way to add end-game goals in a way that doesn't just lump them in with main game goals. Thanks Mike!