KimEric Posts: 3 Registered: 7/4/2017
# 1 - Posted on 11/12/2017 4:19:28

Hi, I couldn't find a help forum so I hope it's okay to post this here?

So I figured out that the "Thoughts" section on the stats page is actually user playthrough notes. Now I'm running into 2 problems:

1: My notes don't appear on the actual playthrough. I see a "new note" button but no sign that I've written anything at all. They do appear on the stats page, though, which I think means they're public to everyone?

2: There's no way to edit or delete a note. Even when I deleted and recreated the playthrough, the original note was still there (so now there are 2 of them.)

Is this how the system is designed to work or did my browser chew something up?


Post Edited on 11/12/2017 4:19:44
moho_00 Curator Backer Posts: 7117 Registered: 6/10/2011
# 2 - Posted on 11/16/2017 1:02:39

I'm a little confused, when you say "new note" button, do you mean "New Post" when looking at your playthroughs?

In any case, the "Thoughts" section on the Game Details / Stats page is any "thought" that's been posted about the game. There are currently three ways to enter a thought for a game:

  • On the Feed page, click the New Post button
  • On the Profile page, click the New Post button in the Thoughts section
  • On the Playthroughs page, click the New Post button next to a playthrough

For the first two, you have to select a game, whereas the third one it's already been determined by the playthrough. When you enter a thought with any of these methods, it will immediately show up on the Game Details page. It will also show up on your Feed and Profile pages. It does not show up on the Playthroughs page. All thoughts entered on a game are indeed public. Thoughts aren't actually tied to playthroughs at all, but rather the game for which the playthrough is for.

If you have private notes that you would not like to make public, if you click the Edit button next to a playthrough, you can enter a note there. It will show up when viewing your playthoughs, so you don't have to click the Edit button every time you want to see it. By default, if you click on the Add Completion button for a playthrough, your private notes will be entered into the notes textbox, which will make them public on the completion. You always have the option of removing it from the completion and it will remain on the playthrough.

Now, back to thoughts. If you go to the Feed or Profile page, you should have the ability to edit a thought. There isn't currently an option to delete one, but it's something that's on the task list...somewhere

KimEric Posts: 3 Registered: 7/4/2017
# 3 - Posted on 1/9/2018 18:36:07

So sorry -- I bookmarked this thread but then forgot to check it and didn't see your response until now!

Thanks, I didn't know about the private note option. Those notes do appear on the playthrough page, so I'll just use them from now on.

Yes, when I said "new note" I meant the "new post" button in Playthroughs -> GameName. I assumed that was for posting updates on game progress, which is why I got so confused when they weren't showing up. Perhaps that button could be relabeled "Public Thoughts" or something like that since it really doesn't have anything to do with the playthroughs?

(Also any chance of getting a thread subscription feature for us distractable folks? ;) )