RJBEntertainment Posts: 2 Registered: 12/9/2017
# 1 - Posted on 12/10/2017 14:40:43

Sorry if this has already been requested. I did a search and couldn't find anyone else asking. There needs to be a way to add multiple games to a list at once. You should be able to check multiple games, click Edit Selected, and then Add to List. Right now the Edit Selected menu only works for tags and backlog. The current process of adding games to a list requires you to click on each game individually, which takes an ton of time.

Sylaris Posts: 16 Registered: 2/17/2017
# 2 - Posted on 12/10/2017 17:05:33

You can use Bulk Import: http://completionator.com/Collection/BulkImport
Lets you type/paste in a list for one platform at a time, then you can tweak things there if need be. Not quite what you're after, but definitely much faster.
There's also steam/GoG import, which can knock out a chunk. All of these are in the Import/Export button towards the top right of your Collection page.

Post Edited on 12/10/2017 17:07:10
RJBEntertainment Posts: 2 Registered: 12/9/2017
# 3 - Posted on 12/11/2017 13:34:33

I'm not referring to adding multiple games to your collection at once. I'm talking about dividing games already in your collection into Lists, as in grouping games together by your own keywords or categories. It's essentially like tagging but quicker to search. The Lists button is right next to Filters if you haven't seen or used it yet. You can only add one game at a time to a list though, so it's very time consuming.

dhobo Curator Backer Posts: 1968 Registered: 1/5/2015
# 4 - Posted on 12/11/2017 16:18:08

I'll try to field this, but moho_00's the site owner and does all the coding.

Bulk operations are a fairly new addition to the site iirc, and some of the specific functions are trickier to implement than others, but he's been slowly adding new ones over time.

moho_00 Curator Backer Posts: 7117 Registered: 6/10/2011
# 5 - Posted on 1/5/2018 21:05:09

I've added a new bulk option that lets you add multiple games to multiple lists. Things get messy when bulk editing multiple things like this, so this is an explicit add operation. You can select any number of games in your collection, then add them to any number of lists all at once. It will NOT remove games from lists that aren't selected (this will make more sense once you all can see the screen ). I could potentially add another bulk action for removing games from particular lists (so the inverse of what I just added), but let's see how this works first.

This change will go live with the next release!

Post Edited on 1/5/2018 21:05:25