moho_00 Curator Backer Posts: 7117 Registered: 6/10/2011
# 1 - Posted on 2/3/2018 1:13:42

We've had a few small releases, but I was once again here's the recap!

  • Added a new option when posting to your Feed that allows the post to be displayed outside your Profile and Feed pages (this was the default behavior before, but now it's optional)
  • Added Region as a required field for Wish List items (defaulted all existing data to North America)
  • Added the ability to delete a stack
  • Added the ability to delete a thought / post from the Profile page
  • Added an option to each entry on the Collection Search page to access the "full edit" page
  • Added a Party genre
  • Added a VR play mode
  • Modified the Quick Edit modal so the platform / region box art is displayed, if it's available
  • Modified the New Feed Post modal so it can prevent duplication
  • Modified the way Steam profile names are stored so "/" at the end of the text is ignored
  • Fixed a bug where sorting could get wonky on the Completion Search page if two entries had the same date and happened to fall right on the edge of a page
  • Fixed a bug where certain games weren't showing up when performing searches
  • Fixed a bug where box art was reverting to the generic image if you edited a game in your collection (and it had a platform / region image available)
Post Edited on 2/3/2018 1:17:10