XxThundaxX Curator Posts: 70 Registered: 2/24/2019
# 1 - Posted on 3/3/2019 11:55:23

Hi, I found an old 'patch notes' (from many years ago) that stated the option to export one's wishlist was added via a button on the wishlist page, however, I cannot find this. Assistance in locating said button or alternate method of exporting my wishlist data would be greatly appreciated. :)

moho_00 Curator Backer Posts: 7117 Registered: 6/10/2011
# 2 - Posted on 3/3/2019 15:45:42

I noticed this recently and added something to my task list, but I haven't gotten around to it just yet. I'll try and get it in the next release! I'm not sure what happened, my guess is it was lost during the most recent site upgrade, but it might have been lost in the shuffle prior to that.

XxThundaxX Curator Posts: 70 Registered: 2/24/2019
# 3 - Posted on 3/4/2019 10:17:52

Cool, many thanks for this and keeping such an awesome resource for gamers running! So glad I found Completionator, it's one of the best game collection systems I've seen plus you guys are super active and helpful! On a side note very impressive collection you have yourself particularly on steam haha. Again, thanks for the quick response. :)