# 1 -
Posted on 4/13/2019 5:50:10
I noticed that the list of goals on you playthrough card is folded when you click 'goals'. Can you make it that it is unfolded once opened? (If I remember correctly it used to be unfolded) thanks |
# 2 -
Posted on 4/16/2019 15:46:20
Don't believe that is a bug. I think @moho_00 changed it on the last update so that goals start out as collapsed by default. |
# 3 -
Posted on 4/28/2019 21:13:46
Hmmm, when clicking on the 'goals' 'button' on a walkthrough they start folded and I have to collapse them myself. Perhaps it's just me? |
# 4 -
Posted on 4/29/2019 3:58:55
I guess I'm confused by what you mean by folded and collapsed. By default now, when clicking on goals, any goals assigned to groups will be collapsed (not viewable). You will have to click each group's arrow to uncollapse (viewable) it and see the goals. |
# 5 -
Posted on 4/29/2019 18:46:53
Ah, ok, by folded I mean collapsed. I have several playthroughs without groups and they start collapsed. Ideally what I would like is that everything is uncollapsed (unfolded) and the focus is on the first not striked-through. But I guess preferences differ so perhaps moho could make that a setting ?? :) |