Mr.T825 Posts: 2 Registered: 7/14/2019
# 1 - Posted on 9/15/2019 22:00:17

I'm trying to add games I've purchased prior to 2014 and the earliest year listed in the drop down box is 2014. Is this a bug? Thanks in advance.

moho_00 Curator Backer Posts: 7117 Registered: 6/10/2011
# 2 - Posted on 9/15/2019 23:11:36

Hmm...I hadn't noticed that before. It turns out the plugin I'm using defaults to showing 5 years before and after the current year. It appears to be limited to show "x" before and after the current year. For now, I'll bump that up quite a bit, which will result in a whole bunch of future years being added, but I could potentially edit the plugin later on to clean that up a bit. I'll have a fix in the next release.

Mr.T825 Posts: 2 Registered: 7/14/2019
# 3 - Posted on 9/18/2019 17:43:43

Thanks a lot!