elko84 Curator Backer Posts: 372 Registered: 5/6/2017
# 1 - Posted on 12/17/2019 17:11:19

How do you guys feel about adding games to your collection when you don't own them, but "have" them from a service such as Xbox Game Pass?

If you subscribe to Xbox Game Pass, are you going to automatically add all 100+ games to your collection now? If so, wouldn't you need to constantly edit your collection to remove the games that are removed from Game Pass?

Are you going to remove all the games if you cancel your subscription?

I've started contemplating this as I have the Xbox PC Game Pass and have downloaded a few games. But adding them to my collection seems silly for the above stated reasons.

This could also apply for games from Games with Gold or PlayStation Plus. However, those games are "yours" for as long as you continue your Gold or Plus subscription, which I feel is something you'd be less likely to cancel.

Post Edited on 12/17/2019 17:15:43
warringshogun Curator Backer Posts: 76 Registered: 4/10/2019
# 2 - Posted on 12/17/2019 18:01:38

I think this is definitely a confusing area. I have typically just added games that I am tracking playthroughs on. If I am just trying something out on a service like this, I don't bother to add it unless I commit to playing it.

I wonder if we could add new Game Pass releases to games, and our collections could adjust automatically based off what is currently on Game Pass. This would mean some kind of maintenance by the curators, as I assume there is not an API that moho could tap for this.

I would love to set something like "Xbox Game Pass" as owned or toggle a checkbox on my profile, and then automatically any releases associated with that are in my collection.

elko84 Curator Backer Posts: 372 Registered: 5/6/2017
# 3 - Posted on 12/17/2019 18:44:20

Hmm, perhaps a compilation called Xbox Game Pass that contains all the Game Pass games. Then you could just add that compilation to your collection. This would however have to be curated by moho_00 though. I don't think games come and go from it very frequently so I suppose that could be done without too much added work.

Also, I believe you can start a playthrough for a game without it being in your collection. Because again, if you are adding a Game Pass game to your collection for a playthrough, after you finish your playthrough are you removing the game from your collection? Leaving it there? A month after your playthrough is completed, the game is removed form Game Pass. Are you going back and removing the game from your collection then?

I've been avoiding adding Game Pass games to my collection even if I am playing it. As of now, I have Games With Gold and PlayStation Plus titles included in my collection. As those you have to actually "purchase" to add them to your account in the first place.

Post Edited on 12/18/2019 4:52:06
IVT Posts: 90 Registered: 11/18/2018
# 4 - Posted on 12/17/2019 23:32:09

Unless I keep the games after the subscription ends (like Twitch Prime) i usually never add the games to my Completionator collection (Apple Arcade, Nintendo Online, Xbox Live Gold Games, Xbox/PC Game Pass). usually those platforms have pretty good game managers anyways and if I do start playing a game from them, i can add it to my playthrough list.

Post Edited on 12/17/2019 23:32:23
moho_00 Curator Backer Posts: 7117 Registered: 6/10/2011
# 5 - Posted on 12/18/2019 3:30:06

Perhaps a new "Digital Subscription" ownership status should be added?

elko84 Curator Backer Posts: 372 Registered: 5/6/2017
# 6 - Posted on 12/18/2019 4:54:27

Perhaps. The issue with that though is still having to add every game to your collection that comes with having the subscription, and then maintaining it as games are removed and added.

Unless you just add the ones that you actually download to your console or PC. I suppose if you decided to cancel your subscription at some point, it would be easy to find and remove anything labeled Digital Subscription.

Post Edited on 12/18/2019 4:56:23
Fail_Session Backer Posts: 8 Registered: 10/29/2018
# 7 - Posted on 7/9/2020 19:30:40

One thing to think about here tho is that with Xbox Game Pass games can be removed at any time - so you would be going through your lists periodically because they were removed from the service.

Food for thought.

Nocmin Curator Posts: 163 Registered: 11/6/2016
# 8 - Posted on 7/29/2020 16:13:55

I think that the Digital Subscription status would be best.

As people have said, since games come and go to the game pass, you (or moho) would be constantly maintaining the contents of the game pass. And, say you play a game, and then that game gets removed from the pass. Do you remove that game from your collection / Does it get remove from your collection automatically?

The way I would go about, games that are in things like Xbox Live Gold or Playstation Plus as Free games (of the Month), I add manually since they are applied to my account when I "purchase" them for free during the giveaways. I would like to give them a Digital Subscription status.

For games that are accessible in subscriptions like Xbox Game Pass or Playstation Now, whose accessibility is dependent on the current selection available, I would only add ones which I have played (and also give it Digital Subscription status). This way, it's low maintenance, and even if the game goes away from the pass (or I stop subscribing), I have a record of when I played it.

It's similar to when I sell a game. I'll still have an entry here under Previously Owned if I have played the game and have notes/completion/playthrough/rating information. But if I've never played a game I previously owned (for some reason), I probably wouldn't have an entry for it here.