moho_00 Curator Backer Posts: 7117 Registered: 6/10/2011
# 1 - Posted on 12/20/2019 3:31:24

As we say goodbye to 2019, I thought we'd have a few giveaways!

Our last giveaway is for the recently (re-)released Blade Runner on GOG. I played this one back in the '90s and it was awesome. It had a great setting, story, characters, and overall gameplay. highly recommended for adventure fans out there, especially if you missed it when it first came out!

To enter this giveaway, all you need to do is provide some feedback on the Browse by Platform feature.. You may have noticed the release notes lately have been dominated by adding new items to the aforementioned page. I feel strongly that this is a key feature for collectors, but unfortunately, it takes A LOT of time to research and enter the the data. Are there any platforms (and regions) you're interested in seeing added here? Any new columns, filters, etc?

I'll randomly select a winner from those that participate. You have until 11:59 PM EST on 12/30/19 to enter!

Post Edited on 12/20/2019 18:15:33
AllTheTrophies Curator Backer Posts: 122 Registered: 7/27/2018
# 2 - Posted on 12/22/2019 16:21:54

I honestly don't think there's much problem with the way it's setup (for me anyways), as I primarily just collect titles and then fill out the information that I've collected. I see the Browse by Platform as just an easier way to focus yourself if you are dedicated to a specific system. As far as any additions to the page goes, I would just keep doing how you are doing it, as I collect for all the consoles I can manage at this point, so I couldn't even begin to think of any I'd specifically want added right now. I would like in the future if, rather than a list format, there was maybe an image of the console to click on or at the very least a minimalist version of it. Or even just individual lists underneath a banner of companies (Atari, Nintendo, etc.). That's all purely presentation though, and I'm sure you're rightly more worried about functionality over aesthetics at this point

GOPGangster Posts: 13 Registered: 3/11/2017
# 3 - Posted on 12/23/2019 16:42:55

For a small team of developers, the setup is fantastic! It strikes me as a little weird that you have the different regions under a system, even when there's only one region for that system. Maybe in that case you could just list the single link, rather than a header and then sublinks? All in all, it's really nice, though. Thanks for all the hard work!

cosmiccyan Posts: 3 Registered: 9/21/2019
# 4 - Posted on 12/23/2019 21:29:44

I absolutely love this website and I don't think I would change anything about it tbh. Great work!

Hillbilygamer22 Posts: 3 Registered: 11/21/2018
# 5 - Posted on 12/26/2019 4:35:48

I love this site. It is an annoyance that only Steam lists can be important. It appears that GOG, Origin, Epic, UPLAY, etc.... have to be manually put in.

I am assuming there is a simple answer for such a complex feature request. Why is there no software anywhere that I can find that you can simply scan the bar code using a smart phone of a video game, dvd, Blu Ray, cd, etc... and it automatically pulls up the data so it can be easily added to a individual’s collection?

CartoonFan Curator Posts: 33 Registered: 8/25/2016
# 6 - Posted on 12/26/2019 19:05:02

Perhaps the average completion time and community rating could be added to the Browse by Platform feature, as it may reveal trends about the games on a certain platform. I actually didn't know about Browse by Platform before this topic, so I can't say much. I spend more time working with my own games: I'm mostly using the Collection, Playthroughs, and Mission pages, along with visiting the Mercenary Guild and viewing the Reports section. Sometimes, I also check out the challenges and the feed to see if any thing is new and interesting. The bounties are only on the front page, so I rarely see them unless I deliberately visit the front page. That's most of what I use here. I suppose I just haven't tried everything extensively to see how it can help me. Thanks for your hard work!

FletchWazzle Posts: 9 Registered: 12/1/2016
# 7 - Posted on 12/30/2019 23:09:34

Under "Formats" in the filters. I would like GameSessions and IndieGala as well as RockstarGameStore included. As I've had to use sources and whatnot to include them and sort for them currently.

moho_00 Curator Backer Posts: 7117 Registered: 6/10/2011
# 8 - Posted on 12/31/2019 19:29:02

Thanks for the feedback everyone, I will be taking it all into consideration for 2020 I've rolled up my D20 and the winner for this one is...


CartoonFan Curator Posts: 33 Registered: 8/25/2016
# 9 - Posted on 12/31/2019 21:25:33

Congratulations, GOPGangster!

dhobo Curator Backer Posts: 1968 Registered: 1/5/2015
# 10 - Posted on 12/31/2019 22:19:09

I'd love to see something akin to a collection shelf mode view where you could see a simple collection of all the covers of games from a chosen category. Maybe include functionality that dims any titles you don't own (Maybe a toggle to reverse, to highlight better which games you're missing.)

Also, congrats to GOPGangster!

CartoonFan Curator Posts: 33 Registered: 8/25/2016
# 11 - Posted on 1/6/2020 6:28:44

Are we putting up general suggestions, now? If so, I have a couple. I'm not sure if it's a good idea or not, but I've been recently thinking about maybe having Difficulty/Rating per session in Playthroughs; it'd be almost like journaling or something similar. Also, having more ways to download our info would be nice, especially for Completions/Playthroughs. I'm not sure of the best form to output (or if it's feasible), but I've been maintaining a spreadsheet for a while to find interesting trends and plan my gaming, and having the info ready to enter (or already entered) would be a big help in keeping things up to date. On a totally different note, some games like Wing Commander only have the year for the release date (1994, for example), and when I export to a spreadsheet, Excel doesn't see 1994 as an actual date, throwing off date-based statistics. Thanks again!