moho_00 Curator Backer Posts: 7117 Registered: 6/10/2011
# 1 - Posted on 2/9/2021 1:22:12

If you have any suggestions for games / franchises that you'd like to see included in a challenge, feel free to post in this thread. I have a large list of possible challenges, but I'm open to other ideas as well. I can't guarantee that every suggestion will be added, but I will take everything under consideration

And if you're not familiar with the challenges here on the site, go check 'em out!

kw4s Posts: 144 Registered: 11/12/2016
# 2 - Posted on 2/9/2021 13:10:01

Yakuza -
Science Adventure - (although not all of them are officially available in English)
Muv Luv -
Ateliers (one challenge for each trilogy/subseries - Salburg, Gramnad, Iris, Mana, Arland, Dusk, Mysterious, Secret) -
Disgaea -
Senran Kagura -
Rance -
Onechanbara -
Gundams -
Super Robot Wars -

edit: while we're at it, another useful feature for challenges would be the ability to sort them by "completion rate" - see the challenges that I already have some games finished in first

Post Edited on 2/10/2021 9:12:50
moho_00 Curator Backer Posts: 7117 Registered: 6/10/2011
# 3 - Posted on 2/26/2021 21:55:26

We have 40 new challenges today!

AllTheTrophies Curator Backer Posts: 122 Registered: 7/27/2018
# 4 - Posted on 3/6/2021 21:13:16

Was wondering if we could get challenges for the Crash Bandicoot and Spyro franchises, and maybe some more for pop culture IP's that have a lot of game adaptations (i.e. The Simpsons, Batman). I love using these challenges to build my playlist and I have a number of titles for each of these

moho_00 Curator Backer Posts: 7117 Registered: 6/10/2011
# 5 - Posted on 3/7/2021 2:28:22

I actually have all four of the ones you mentioned on my list The first set of Crash games almost made the last batch of challenges, but I haven't looked into the others much yet. Stuff like The Simpsons and Batman are a bit more difficult because they're not necessarily "connected". I ran into that with the X-Men games haha!

TonguelessLark Curator Posts: 39 Registered: 12/15/2018
# 6 - Posted on 4/3/2021 23:46:47

Since I am... uh... me and not any other person in the world, I can't help myself but talk about some Koei Warriors games even on this page,
It would be cool to see some challenges dedicated to Samurai Warriors, Dynasty Warriors, Warriors Orochi, or maybe even some of the spin-offs :)

WeirdLittleDog Curator Posts: 195 Registered: 3/20/2021
# 7 - Posted on 4/5/2021 0:53:33

I second Crash and Spyro, but I would love to see the later Sonic games (after Adventure) added to the challenges!

MetalBayQon Posts: 9 Registered: 2/4/2021
# 8 - Posted on 4/22/2021 12:33:14

Greeting everyone, It's my first time posting on the site and I just wanted to drop in my two cents. I would love to see the PS1 trilogy of Spyro games added as a challenge. Awesome site by the way, loving it!

Post Edited on 4/23/2021 1:10:32
Imreallybored Curator Backer Posts: 10 Registered: 4/29/2021
# 9 - Posted on 5/5/2021 15:20:42

Hi, new to the site! I'd like to recommend a few challenges that I haven't seen, and definitely recommend to some degree

World of Warcraft (There's already one for the Warcraft RTS series) so starting from 2004. I'd recommend a Pre Cataclysm, and Post Cataclysm challenge perhaps.
Animal Crossing:
Souls series, maybe separate for Demon's/ Dark:
Assassin's Creed:
Oblivion and DLC:
Fallout: New Vegas and DLC:
More Generational Pokémon challenges:

I've also noticed that when I sort by "At least one game owned" It doesn't always pull up challenges in which I actually own games, seemingly. For instance I own most Fallout games, but none of them come up for me; same with Morrowind. But I'm new so maybe I'm missing something in those games' entries in my collection!

moho_00 Curator Backer Posts: 7117 Registered: 6/10/2011
# 10 - Posted on 6/12/2021 0:04:57

I loaded in 40 new challenges today! Plus I added some bounties to help get everyone started

w00tzorz656 Backer Posts: 56 Registered: 10/22/2020
# 11 - Posted on 7/22/2021 16:26:07

Was wondering if you could add some challenges for the, "Tales" series. There are quite a lot of games, so it would most likely have to be split into volumes.

nakama Posts: 7 Registered: 7/11/2020
# 12 - Posted on 10/3/2021 15:56:44

on the Legendary Hero: Volume 3 would it be possible to add the 3ds remakes to it as another payway like with some other games and thier remakes like twilight princess HD is an accepted substitute for twilight princess.

Avium Curator Posts: 46 Registered: 10/14/2017
# 13 - Posted on 10/4/2021 5:30:04

Pikmin 3 Deluxe as an alternative to Pikmin 3 would be nice too :)

nakama Posts: 7 Registered: 7/11/2020
# 14 - Posted on 10/10/2021 17:05:34

for a new legendary hero volume adding skyward sword and BOTW with maybe hyrule warriors if you dont want just 2 in a challenge

AzonerathWorsencroft Posts: 3 Registered: 5/18/2021
# 15 - Posted on 10/13/2021 13:08:22

half-life 2 + episodes and lost coast would be nice
marathon could get a challenge
the opus games are good

moho_00 Curator Backer Posts: 7117 Registered: 6/10/2011
# 16 - Posted on 11/12/2021 21:40:01

I added 40 new challenges today! Also added Pikmin 3 Deluxe as an alternate option. I haven't added the Zelda 3DS remakes as alternatives yet since they might go in as a standalone challenge...we'll see

nakama Posts: 7 Registered: 7/11/2020
# 17 - Posted on 11/14/2021 18:26:13

thank you for everything you do on the site and hearing us out!

some more of the kingdom hearts series would make for more challenges

the only challenge has 3 of the many games

nakama Posts: 7 Registered: 7/11/2020
# 18 - Posted on 3/7/2022 3:15:27

the final fantasy 13 trilogy would be a good one as well

SenorMexicano Backer Posts: 68 Registered: 9/20/2018
# 19 - Posted on 3/13/2022 8:29:06

I'd definitely like to see the Pokemon challenges expanded upon. Would probably be best to separate it by generations, though with different versions of the same game counting as the same game. (If possible)

So, it'd be something like:
Gen 1: (Red, Blue, or Green) + Yellow
Gen 2: (Gold or Silver) + Crystal
Gen 3: (Ruby or Sapphire) + Emerald
Gen 4: (Diamond or Pearl) + Platinum + (HeartGold or SoulSilver)
Gen 5: (Black or White) + (Black 2 or White 2)
Gen 6: (X or Y) + (Omega Ruby or Alpha Sapphire)
Gen 7: (Sun or Moon) + (Ultra Sun or Ultra Moon) + (Let's Go Pikachu or Let's Go Eevee)
Gen 8: (Sword or Shield) + Isle of Armor + Crown Tundra + (Brilliant Diamond or Shining Pearl) + Legends Arceus

The third/updated versions of some of these could probably also be included with their base counterparts considering they are essentially the same game but with more content. (Crystal, Emerald, Platinum, Ultra Sun/Moon)

I think this should definitely be discussed more community-wide to see what the consensus would be in tackling this massive series. Whether it be separating every game, unifying every version of the same game, separating by platform, etc.

Arcinia Curator Posts: 55 Registered: 4/13/2021
# 20 - Posted on 3/13/2022 19:02:09

A few ideas I have of my own:

Castle of Horrors: Vol 6 - the DS Castlevania games (Dawn of Sorrow, Portrait of Ruin, Order of Ecclesia)
Castle of Horrors: Vol 7 - The Lords of Shadow Trilogy (Lords of Shadow 1, Mirror of Fate, and LoS2)
The Erdrick Trilogy - This already exists, but maybe we can set it up such that it includes more modern releases of the first 3 Dragon Quest games?
Not So Final: Volume 1 - This already exists, but maybe we can set it up such that it can include different versions of the first 3 FF games? Especially with the Pixel Remasters out now.
Not So Final: Volume 2 - Final Fantasy 4-6, set up in the same fashion as NSF: Vol 1.
Not So Final: Volume 3 - Final Fantasy 7-10/2, FF7 is already part of its own challenge (For Aeris) so I'm not sure if adding it to multiple would be a hassle.
Not So Final: Volume 4 - Final Fantasy 12, 13, 13/2, and 15. 11 and 14 are MMOs, so not sure if/how we can put those in its own category.
Pinball Map: Volume 7 - the Pro Pinball games (The Web, Timeshock!, Big Race USA, Fantastic Journey)
Shoot n' Survive: Volume 3 - Far Cry 4, Far Cry Primal, Far Cry 5, Far Cry: New Dawn. Maybe 6 as well?
Boomin' n' Shootin': Volume 1 - This is one I made up that can comprise of various revival games to the retro FPS style. I was thinking DUSK, AMID EVIL, Ion Fury, maybe WRATH: Aeon of Ruin too.
From Flames to Ashes - Another one I made up. Dark Souls 1, 2 and 3, with toggles for original DS1/Remastered, and original DS2/Scholar of the First Sin editions.

Going to +1 on Nakama's and SenorMexicano's ideas too :)

MetalBayQon Posts: 9 Registered: 2/4/2021
# 21 - Posted on 4/22/2022 12:33:23

Greetings everyone! = ]
I have some recommendations for new Challenges:

Perhaps continue The Blue Bomber volumes to include the Mega Man X and Mega Man Zero series.
Borderlands 2 and it's DLCs (will probably need at least two challenges, one for the five Headhunters DLCs and another for the core game plus remaining DLCs).
Maybe expand on the World of Survival Horror volumes for more Resident Evil titles (Zero, 4, 5, Outbreak 1 and 2, etc.)
The King of Fighters series.
Fatal Frame series.
Lastly, I support the ideas for growing the Pokemon Challenges too.

moho_00 Curator Backer Posts: 7117 Registered: 6/10/2011
# 22 - Posted on 4/23/2022 12:35:46

I added in 40 new challenges (with some bounties as well)!

SnowWulF Curator Posts: 92 Registered: 12/21/2022
# 23 - Posted on 12/31/2022 13:36:11

Hey ho,

I just put my Bandai Namco Xbox Masterlist in a Stack (

The List contains (maybe?) all games released for Xbox systems from Bandai, Namco and Bandai Namco, I thought that this could be a great idea for an insane challenge line. :)

Maybe its over the top, so what do you guys think?

vale Backer Posts: 16 Registered: 12/6/2018
# 24 - Posted on 1/2/2023 18:03:43

hello, I had some ideas for series in which to have challenges made for (with name suggestions, too)

Persona ("Be Your True Mind"):
my suggestion would be to make Persona 1-2: EP together, and the rest of the series could then be sorted by main/spin-off or spin-offs by associated game (for example, one challenge could include Persona 4, Persona 4 Arena/Ultimax, and Persona 4 Dancing. this is instead of the challenge being persona 3-5 in the same one)

Bit.Trip ("Retro-Style Rhythm"):

Professor Layton ("The Puzzle Professor"):

MX Trillogy/ATV Offroad Fury/MX vs ATV:
couldn't think of any name for this one lol


EDIT: I forgot to include this with the original post, but can Diddy Kong Racing DS be added as an alternative in Barrel Master vol. 4?
EDIT 2: I just noticed the Quantic Dreamer: Volume 2 challenge has a messed up description which seems to be borrowed directly from the Bioshock one

Post Edited on 1/2/2023 18:17:43
Just a Completer Posts: 1 Registered: 1/28/2023
# 25 - Posted on 2/15/2023 0:28:24

Hey, I would have some more ideas for the rest of the Pokémon games (as there are only the first 3)

Volume 1 - Red, Blue, Yellow (or you could play FireRed)
Volume 2 - Gold, Silver, Crystal (or you could play HeartGold and SoulSilver
Volume 3 - Ruby, Sapphire, Emerald (or you could play Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire)
Volume 4 - Diamond, Pearl, Platinum (or you could play Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl)
Volume 5 - Black, White (and/or Black 2 and White 2)
Volume 6 - X, Y
Volume 7 - Sun and Moon (and/or Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon)
Volume 8 - Sword, Shield, Arceus
Volume 9 - Scarlet, Violet
EDIT: Volume 10 - Let’s Go Pikachu, Let’s Go Eevee

Post Edited on 2/15/2023 0:30:55