# 1 -
Posted on 7/16/2021 20:56:59
Thanks for accepting this bounty! Here you can talk with other bounty hunters as you progress through the game and keep everyone up to date on your progress. |
# 2 -
Posted on 9/1/2021 13:20:03
I'm finally working on a bounty again after so long! When I first started this game, I wasn't exactly the biggest fan. Some of the quirks carried over from the Wii version but have since found out that there are options to alleviate some of that (for me specifically, the camera). As I've played and those things seem to be gone, I have come to enjoy it more and more. Couple of tidbits that may intrigue people to play it: 1 - It's a bit more linear than most other Zelda games in the franchise. I know there are folks that tend to shy away from games that are massive and open (which most newer generation Zelda games are) - so this might actually be a good one to play if that isn't your thing.
Post Edited on 9/1/2021 13:21:29