Ruse Backer Posts: 9 Registered: 12/28/2021
# 1 - Posted on 12/29/2021 11:41:23

Hi all. I'm new here, just discovered Completionator yesterday after trying a bunch of different collection sites and not quite getting what I'm after - so far this looks to be pretty much spot on for me!

I've spent a bit of time importing/adding my collection and, as I'm considering selling off a few things, I started to think about what to do with games that I have added, that maybe I've played/rated etc., that I go on to sell.

So, I'm just wondering what others do in this scenario. Do you simply delete the game from your collection (which is my initial reaction), or do you mark them as "Previously owned / rented"?


jwcooley Curator Posts: 984 Registered: 2/28/2014
# 2 - Posted on 12/29/2021 15:16:32

If I've finished the game and have sold it, I mark it as "Previously Owned/Rented". If I've never touched it and have sold it, I delete it from my collection.

Welcome to the site!

AllTheTrophies Curator Backer Posts: 118 Registered: 7/27/2018
# 3 - Posted on 12/29/2021 19:28:06

Welcome, hope you enjoy the site! I personally remove them, just as I'm pretty black and white when it comes to my collection (I have it in some form or I don't), but I believe many use the Previously Owned specifically for this situation. To each their own!

Ruse Backer Posts: 9 Registered: 12/28/2021
# 4 - Posted on 12/30/2021 9:44:51

Thanks for the replies.

It looks to me like playthroughs and completions are not tied to games you own - so assuming i'm correct I could delete games I no longer own and still see those that I have played/finished.

moho_00 Curator Backer Posts: 6903 Registered: 6/10/2011
# 5 - Posted on 12/30/2021 17:19:31

You're correct, the playthroughs and completions are independent from your collection. In fact, playthroughs and completions are only loosely tied together, meaning you don't have to use a playthrough if you don't want to (but I do ).

Post Edited on 12/30/2021 17:19:50
Ruse Backer Posts: 9 Registered: 12/28/2021
# 6 - Posted on 12/31/2021 16:42:02

I did notice that, I've added in completions for games I've previously finished, but plan to use playthroughs from now on.

Really liking the site btw, I was getting a bit frustrated with other similar sites, all seemed to do some or most of what I was after , but none seemed to fit for both collecting and a play backlog. I was starting to plan out my own site as a project when I came across completionator, and it seems to have pretty much everything I would have implemented myself so far.

moho_00 Curator Backer Posts: 6903 Registered: 6/10/2011
# 7 - Posted on 12/31/2021 21:39:27

Glad you're enjoying the site so far! I was in the same boat as you were in that I could find lots of sites that were good at either tracking a collection or a backlog, but none that seemed to do both well. That was my main inspiration to build the site since I wanted a way to track both

Trar Posts: 14 Registered: 5/13/2021
# 8 - Posted on 9/3/2023 1:43:08

Like someone else said, I mark it as "Previously Owned/Rented" if I've completed it, otherwise I just delete it.

hellobion Backer Posts: 46 Registered: 10/20/2023
# 9 - Posted on 11/13/2023 22:55:04


method Posts: 24 Registered: 12/14/2021
# 10 - Posted on 11/22/2023 7:56:05

Considering that most of my collection is digital, no, lol. I can't even sell.
That being said, if I were to sell any of my physical PS3 games (very unlikely to ever happen), I'd back up the ROMs on my PC first for emulation in the future.