SnowWulF Curator Posts: 92 Registered: 12/21/2022
# 1 - Posted on 2/18/2023 20:13:58

I am curious, how do you guys manage?

Normally I am swamped with work and deadlines, when I pick up a game to play I somewhat feel bad for not doing something productive. Even when making dedicated time in my schedule it feels that way.

How about you lot?

Lahdgren Posts: 113 Registered: 4/15/2020
# 2 - Posted on 2/19/2023 2:37:46

I ensure I get enough sleep and wake up early. That way if I have no free time in a day or after work I still have several hours in my day where I can unwind after going to the gym

Also as long as I am productive and still managing family and friends I don't feel guilty about burning some time on games.

AllTheTrophies Curator Backer Posts: 122 Registered: 7/27/2018
# 3 - Posted on 2/19/2023 12:30:41

I tend to block out segments of time as that works better for me. Doesn’t always pan out cause things come up with family and general life responsibilities, but if I give myself a few hours on any given day (or Monday evening when I do online things with friends from back in college), then everything tends to work out

dhobo Curator Backer Posts: 1968 Registered: 1/5/2015
# 4 - Posted on 2/20/2023 15:38:09

Whenever I can squeeze in time between handling everything in the household and dealing with a disabled relative, assuming I'm not trying to catch up on missed sleep.

Pretty sure the gaming distraction is the only thing that's kept me sane these past couple of years.

mgkoll Curator Posts: 41 Registered: 12/26/2020
# 5 - Posted on 2/21/2023 4:38:07

I just started my hardest semester yet at uni, and now I only have a few hours on weekends to dedicate to games. I still feel super guilty, like I could be doing something more productive much like you said. It's tough!

jwcooley Curator Posts: 984 Registered: 2/28/2014
# 6 - Posted on 2/21/2023 14:57:26

I never feel guilty about it. My wife and I enjoy quite a bit of things together, but we also enjoy things separately (me = video games; her = various TV shows and summer time reading). Summer time usually means less time for video gaming just because there is so much more to do.

We ensure we always get things accomplished around the house (for the most part, anyway) and never really miss a beat on seeing friends/family when it comes time.

That being said, I think the fact that my wife and I don't have kids makes juggling things a bit easier. College is behind us and really, our lives aren't too hectic. When they do get hectic, unfortunately, the gaming does take a back seat.

The only thing I'd like to add to the schedule rotation is a bit more gym time (working on that) - but I think we balance pretty well.

Post Edited on 2/21/2023 15:01:00
method Posts: 24 Registered: 12/14/2021
# 7 - Posted on 2/23/2023 21:54:01

Ever since high school, I have always had 1-3 hours of my day dedicated to gaming. Typically I follow a schedule: Work during the day, game and relax during the evening.

It has worked very well for me. The only downside is, I have less time for other things such as watching tv shows/movies or reading. There is only so much time in a day after all.