barleybap Curator Posts: 36 Registered: 3/9/2022
# 1 - Posted on 4/30/2023 11:43:31

As collectors I suspect many of us have at least a handful of games we'd like to own but likely never will because of limited availability and / or oppressive price tags. What are some of yours?

I think one of my biggest ones is Monster World IV on the Mega Drive. Absolutely lovely game that's one of my favourites, and I've cleared it multiple times due to its availability in other forms, but the physical copy for Mega Drive goes for well over 100 quid on eBay these days. Have mulled over the possibility quite a few times, as it's not an unaffordable amount of money and there are much more expensive games out there. But it's still a big ask to pay the cost of three or four major new releases to own something I've already beaten multiple times. Wish I had bought it years ago when it was a lot cheaper, but hindsight is always 20/20 I guess. :D

Post Edited on 4/30/2023 11:46:17
Arcinia Curator Posts: 55 Registered: 4/13/2021
# 2 - Posted on 5/1/2023 12:19:38

I was originally going to say Dokapon Kingdom on the Wii after watching TheRunawayGuys play through it. Cost on Amazon is astronomical if it's even for sale to begin with. However recently it was announced that there's going to be a version on the Switch coming out, so I guess it's not a white whale anymore :P

psychoapeguy Curator Backer Posts: 134 Registered: 5/29/2018
# 3 - Posted on 5/1/2023 23:11:09

Mine would be Snatcher on Sega CD....I thought I had purchased a legitimate copy off of eBay back when I was in college, but after receiving it in the mail, it was pretty obvious that I got a bootleg. It still plays, so at least there's that, but I'd love to own a legitimate copy...especially since there's a belief that bootleg games can wear out the laser faster on the Sega CD. The price keeps rising for Snatcher, but, I'm hoping I can find it for a reasonable price at some point. I got Panzer Dragoon Saga for $10 at a garage sale about a decade ago...I'm hoping to have lighting strike twice with Snatcher, though I highly doubt I'll be lucky enough to get it THAT cheap.

AllTheTrophies Curator Backer Posts: 122 Registered: 7/27/2018
# 4 - Posted on 5/1/2023 23:13:59

I'd LOVE to own a physical copy of the Duckman point-&-click game for the PC, just as a fan of the show and collecting games, it's something that has eluded me for years and years. This is something that can at least be played online at this point if you'd ever want to experience it, but man oh man if I had a physical version of the game I would be overjoyed

CrazyCaps Posts: 23 Registered: 10/24/2019
# 5 - Posted on 5/15/2023 6:24:22

Mine would be the same as Arcinia's, Dokapon was mine until the remaster got announced. Got it on release day and it's nice finally having it in my collection with nicer visuals. Beyond that, it's tough to pick one. Most are just expensive games on a list but I don't have as much attachment. Closest might be Sparkster, but I've yet to even get Rocket Knight Adventures. Zero the Kamikaze Squirrel, since I liked Aero the Acrobat? I'm not entirely sure.

KGKaiju Curator Posts: 37 Registered: 6/30/2023
# 6 - Posted on 7/20/2023 6:00:44

If I had to pick, I know that Cubivore for the GC and Little Samson for the NES are at the top of the list. Another would be OutRun 2006: Coast 2 Coast for the original XBOX and Book of Unwritten Tales for the WiiU. All of those games carry high price tags with Little Samson being the absolute worst with an asking price of $1K and up! $150 is my absolute limit when it comes to single game purchases....and all of these far exceed that limit.

Post Edited on 7/20/2023 6:01:26
Trar Posts: 14 Registered: 5/13/2021
# 7 - Posted on 9/3/2023 1:41:47

I think I've actually bit the bullet and bought all of the white whales that I would have, most recently 50 Cent: Blood in the Sand for Xbox 360. It helps that I got every one (including Blood in the Sand) for under $100 dollars each.

amendez88 Posts: 3 Registered: 2/15/2023
# 8 - Posted on 6/30/2024 5:12:27

Rigth now for me its Radiant Historia Perfect Chronology

Cheesyben Posts: 258 Registered: 12/31/2018
# 9 - Posted on 6/30/2024 17:51:36

Probably Hotel Mario and the Zelda CD-i games. For starters, I don't even have a CD-i, and they go for way too much. Even if I did have one, the games themselves are also expensive. Unfortunately I can't rely on re-releases as Nintendo want us to forget these games exist.

Post Edited on 6/30/2024 17:52:18
dhobo Curator Backer Posts: 1968 Registered: 1/5/2015
# 10 - Posted on 6/30/2024 20:39:58

I wouldn't mind a copy of Xenosaga Episode 3 to finish off my trilogy, but I'm not spending that kind of money on it.

hellobion Backer Posts: 46 Registered: 10/20/2023
# 11 - Posted on 7/1/2024 1:28:31

Probablly the halo beta games

FletchWazzle Posts: 9 Registered: 12/1/2016
# 12 - Posted on 11/13/2024 18:34:34

Physical copy of Roadwar Europa,