Adorabull Curator Posts: 31 Registered: 6/4/2023
# 1 - Posted on 7/3/2023 2:39:08

Would it be possible to add a place for Progress Notes on an ongoing playthrough similar to what's on Backloggery? I don't think other people can easily view your playthroughs, so there wouldn't even be the risk of spoilers that follows it on that website. I may be mistaken of course, but it sounds like something I might personally find useful, and if not, I suppose the Goals system can also be used like that to some degree.

WeirdLittleDog Curator Posts: 195 Registered: 3/20/2021
# 2 - Posted on 7/3/2023 3:21:06

If you look at the My Playthroughs page, there is a pencil icon to edit playthroughs after you create them; this opens a box with a Notes section that can be used however you like.

Adorabull Curator Posts: 31 Registered: 6/4/2023
# 3 - Posted on 7/3/2023 4:15:02

Oh, I was confused with the symbol that lets you compose a Thought about the game! I'm still not entirely sure how Thoughts are intended to be used, so I largely don't post them.

Thinking about it, this would probably be really handy for writing down passwords for older games that don't save. Still a bit of a shame I need to click into the edit window to see the note, though; I might forget I even had a note in there like that.

Post Edited on 7/3/2023 4:26:16
WeirdLittleDog Curator Posts: 195 Registered: 3/20/2021
# 4 - Posted on 7/3/2023 22:48:41

That's fair, it is pretty hidden! As for Thoughts, they are kind of like reviews; they will show up on your profile as well as on a specific game's page under its Community tab.

moho_00 Curator Backer Posts: 7117 Registered: 6/10/2011
# 5 - Posted on 7/4/2023 12:09:26

We now have blog posts as well, which provide a bit more flexibility in terms of formatting. Thoughts are still available (for now...) and are generally good for shorter snippets.

Adorabull Curator Posts: 31 Registered: 6/4/2023
# 6 - Posted on 7/4/2023 12:24:24

For now? I recall seeing you talking about an upcoming initiative for the site, though that may have already been implemented if I remember how old that post was correctly - if not, this would potentially include the sunset of the Thoughts feature?

moho_00 Curator Backer Posts: 7117 Registered: 6/10/2011
# 7 - Posted on 7/4/2023 12:32:04

Both Blog Posts and Thoughts are still functional, but there is definitely some overlap between the two features. I don't currently have any plans of removing the Thoughts feature, but I could see it happening down the road at some point.

Adorabull Curator Posts: 31 Registered: 6/4/2023
# 8 - Posted on 7/4/2023 17:48:09

M'okay; I actually forgot Blog Posts existed, but I've considered writing one before. I used to make (incredibly amateur) review videos, so it'd be nice to try my hand at something like that again.