Cheesyben Posts: 254 Registered: 12/31/2018
# 1 - Posted on 1/12/2024 18:40:54

I feel like this is a really important thing for everyone to know so I created a forum thread for. Recently Capcom decided to add DRM to their games on Steam (including legacy titles). While this DRM is already terrible for ruining the performance of games, preventing mod usage, and even breaking Steam Deck support for certain games; the real kicker is that there is a strong possibility of the DRM being malware. While it's not confirmed, a lot of people have reported on their antiviruses having a lot of detections come from the DRM. I can't force people to stop playing Capcom games because of this but I'd advise expressing caution when it comes to buying or playing Capcom games on Steam unless they remove the DRM.

SnowWulF Curator Posts: 92 Registered: 12/21/2022
# 2 - Posted on 1/12/2024 22:23:21

Yeah red about it in the media today. When will such companies finally realize that adding DRM is just hurting genuine buyers and destroys their reputation? :(

Post Edited on 1/12/2024 22:23:41
Arcinia Curator Posts: 55 Registered: 4/13/2021
# 3 - Posted on 1/12/2024 23:38:40

Thanks for sharing this. Very dumb decision on their end. Guess my DMC games and Dragon's Dogma will have to wait their turn...

hellobion Backer Posts: 46 Registered: 10/20/2023
# 4 - Posted on 1/13/2024 19:00:11

Thank you for the post. As a steam collector this is very upsetting news.