tarzanslam Curator Posts: 346 Registered: 1/25/2016
# 1 - Posted on 11/29/2024 4:40:43

It’s that time of year again, when we start to see Game of the Year countdowns popping up on all the popular game review websites. So once again we're coming up with our own game of the yearish list, but instead of the admins coming up with the list, we are looking to you to vote for the top 10 games you have played this year!

Typically, game of the year lists are comprised of games that have released during the past year. The Completionator Top 10 Games of the Year will allow you to vote on any game ever released that you have PLAYED in the last year. So anything from Pong to Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 is eligible as long as you have played the games anytime in 2024. This is strictly for fun to see what the Completionator community thinks are the best games they played this year. See below for information on how to vote and the giveaway we’ve got planned.

How to Vote

Voting is simple, all you have to do is create a new Stack and include the words "Top 10" in the title so we can tell that it’s your entry. So for example, something like a "My Top 10 Games of the Year" stack title would be a valid entry. Next, list out the top 10 games you’ve played this year in order, #1 being the best game you played all year. You will have from November 29th until 11:59pm EST December 22nd to create your stack. You can also edit your stack as much as you like during this timeframe. If you created a top 10 stack earlier in the year, just post a link to it in this thread and we will include it in the results! Once the entry period ends we will save all stacks and tally the results. Any stacks saved after December 22nd will not be counted toward the end result (feel free to continue to make Top 10 stacks after the date because it’s still fun to do!) Only 1 Top 10 stack per person please.


All votes will be given point values. 1st place votes will get 10 points per entry, 2nd place votes will get 9 votes per entry and so on through 10th place which will get 1 point per entry. Once the points are tallied, we will release an article counting down the Completionator Community Top 10 Games of the Year a few days after the voting period ends.


We are giving away $20 in Steam gift cards to a randomly drawn user that submits a valid Top 10 stack. The winner will be announced on the results article and will be contacted directly.

Please reply to this post if you have any questions. Have fun!!

AllTheTrophies Curator Backer Posts: 122 Registered: 7/27/2018
# 2 - Posted on 11/29/2024 12:48:31


As usual, please feel free to exclude me from the drawing. Excited to see everyone's lists!

Arcinia Curator Posts: 55 Registered: 4/13/2021
# 3 - Posted on 11/29/2024 13:26:14


Thanks for doing this! I always love going through people's playthroughs for the year and seeing what comes out on top!

yzeew Posts: 2 Registered: 1/4/2023
# 4 - Posted on 12/1/2024 5:10:47


Great year, my 30th favorite game was amazing.

WeegeeCool Posts: 23 Registered: 12/2/2021
# 5 - Posted on 12/1/2024 15:54:10


I didn't end up playing too much this year, but I did end up playing some zingers

CureEgg Curator Backer Posts: 9 Registered: 8/4/2016
# 6 - Posted on 12/1/2024 16:28:33


Cool to see the other entries, great list of games to eventually play

KiDoCo Posts: 1 Registered: 8/28/2021
# 7 - Posted on 12/1/2024 19:27:45


Didn't play much of games published this year but I have enough backlog already :P

Sylvius Curator Posts: 25 Registered: 5/20/2023
# 8 - Posted on 12/1/2024 23:04:04

Unfortunately, but I've only finished five games this year.

tarzanslam Curator Posts: 346 Registered: 1/25/2016
# 9 - Posted on 12/2/2024 4:48:04

Remember - this is the top 10 games you PLAYED this year it doesn't have to be the 10 games you finished. If you only played 5 games this year then list the five, they will still count.

TheHolySemiColon Posts: 1 Registered: 9/7/2020
# 10 - Posted on 12/4/2024 5:51:47


Only three games that actually came out this year, but two of the three are my top two.

CrazyCaps Posts: 23 Registered: 10/24/2019
# 11 - Posted on 12/4/2024 18:50:57

Here's mine, was tough to make and I got REALLY wordy with some entries lol: https://www.completionator.com/Stack/View/3237

QuaintHydra Posts: 2 Registered: 1/27/2023
# 12 - Posted on 12/5/2024 15:31:48


Year 2 of this for me! It's been super fun looking back and seeing the progress made through my backlog since joining the site. I completed exactly 10 games this year, which made deciding what to put on this list pretty easy, lol. Ranking on the other hand always gets tricky because you love some aspects, and not others, of each game.

CrowTRobo Curator Posts: 15 Registered: 4/8/2018
# 13 - Posted on 12/6/2024 16:18:59


Like last year, I kept it to games I completed as I don't really keep track of playthroughs. I played several of them via PC Gamepass. A month here or there I'll subscribe, play shorter games I'm interested in or use as a "try before buy" service, then cancel. For some reason the last time I did this, Microsoft gave me a full refund despite using it for 30 days. I don't think that was supposed to happen. :P

Post Edited on 12/6/2024 16:27:02
Zelaxi Posts: 10 Registered: 5/18/2020
# 14 - Posted on 12/9/2024 0:06:29


Wow, its time already? This year seems to have flown by! For me I really seemed to focus on JRPGs pretty heavily, but also found time for some shorter indies that really shined. Finally playing Cocoon and understanding why its held high in a lot of circles makes sense now.

Interestingly I would say I also enjoyed NieR Replicant more than NieR Automata, though I wonder if that would still be the case if I had played the PS3 version with the lackluster combat vs the remastered version. Either way, both games now have a pretty special place in my heart.

MyChaos Posts: 48 Registered: 2/2/2019
# 15 - Posted on 12/10/2024 9:55:35


Here is my list. :)

Cylik Posts: 10 Registered: 9/3/2017
# 16 - Posted on 12/10/2024 16:21:16

My 4th year to enter, one of my absolute favorite traditions!

I played a lot of bangers this year, it was fun putting together my list https://www.completionator.com/Stack/View/3220

miyotan Posts: 6 Registered: 1/31/2020
# 17 - Posted on 12/10/2024 22:38:46

here we go

zerocreativity1 Posts: 8 Registered: 4/6/2022
# 18 - Posted on 12/11/2024 0:43:49

Not as good as year as i had in 2023, but did find some gems this year:

Hentai Wizard Posts: 49 Registered: 5/21/2018
# 19 - Posted on 12/11/2024 22:38:04


Sylvius Curator Posts: 25 Registered: 5/20/2023
# 20 - Posted on 12/13/2024 20:05:02

@tarzanslam, I didn't want to put familiar and unfamiliar games on the same list
Basically solved my problem in a simple way. I put unfamiliar games at the end of the list.
Super Mario 64 and Metroid are familiar games to me in the past. The impression of them in 2024 has only changed for the better.


P.S. Sorry for my bad English.

Post Edited on 12/13/2024 20:10:24
dhobo Curator Backer Posts: 1968 Registered: 1/5/2015
# 21 - Posted on 12/13/2024 20:12:14

Got mine for the year written up (though I think I might be able to get in another 1-2 games before the year is over)


As usual, leave me out of the running for the gift card stuff.

Electrophants Posts: 3 Registered: 1/21/2022
# 22 - Posted on 12/15/2024 17:28:46

Here's my list:

psychoapeguy Curator Backer Posts: 134 Registered: 5/29/2018
# 23 - Posted on 12/16/2024 22:16:25

Threw mine together....gave me an excuse to use a GamePro ranking template I got ahold of earlier in the year, so it can look all shiny and fancy. It's not as deep or credible as dhobo's Fester's Quest ranking system, but the GamePro ratings worked well enough in the 90's and can hopefully give some of the older folks on here some nostalgia.

Like previous years, please leave me out of the gift card drawing.


IVT Posts: 90 Registered: 11/18/2018
# 24 - Posted on 12/17/2024 19:16:35

here is my list, good year for games! https://www.completionator.com/Stack/View/3200

Lahdgren Posts: 113 Registered: 4/15/2020
# 25 - Posted on 12/19/2024 3:30:34

https://completionator.com/Stack/View/3276 Played less than I wanted to this year but still snuck in some good ones