RpgMaker Games (D)

Published on January 21, 2020
Last updated on February 7, 2020
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This stack will be a list of the games I've played but did dropped.

This list will be updated each time i play a game and i dropped.


Defenders of Tetsoidea II

Time: 2h (D)

  • I found the layout of the maps very poor but I still found the story interesting to continue. But go to a place where there is no farm for the next boss and only way out is pass the game again ... Nope !!! Next game.


Destiny Warriors

Time: 8h (D)

  • Do not buy this game. Seriously! This was perhaps the first of many games made in RpgMaker at the time of the greenlight where everyone thought it was developer. The game is inspired by the Naruto world but has serious bugs in the game, characters that stagnate in the experience, books that when read gives a fatal error and the game puff, when leaving a building the sprite becomes invisible, among others. The battle system is not balance which makes the battles boring.


Eaten Alive

Time: 1h20m (D)

  • The game is not bad at all, but needed to be a bit more polished (Have more interaction with objects, more npcs, etc). One of the things I saw wrong with this game was that there was no saves system. Besides there are some bugs that spoil the gameplay of the game and the mapping of the map needs to be improved a little bit. Basically an unfinished game


The Glow

Time: 1h14m (D)

  • I really like a lot of this type games, but the various bugs in this game completely ruin the gameplay and fun. Characters that are not unlocked, transitions between maps stop working to the point where you have to start the game over again.


Invasion: Brain Craving

Time: 1h52m (D)

  • Meaningless game, full of bugs, imbalanced fighting and without purpose beyond survival. Basically a waste of time.


Victim of Xen

Time: 7h (D)

  • I found interesting the story itself, but i did really hated the battle system, it is so unbalanced.

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