(Top 10’s) Games I’ve Played: 2023

Published on November 25, 2023
Last updated on December 27, 2023
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This is my personal list of the best 10 games that I've played throughout the course of the year. I don't need to have completed the game, just played long enough to justify saying I had a great time playing it (though most I have made a concerted effort to complete fully).

Super Mario Bros. Wonder

On: Nintendo Switch

The premiere, the supreme, it's Mario so what more can I say? Well, I can say that I think this is the best 2D Mario platformer since Yoshi's Island, which I whole-heartedly believe. There's actual innovation on an old formula here, with enjoyable design, both level and sound. I was smiling almost the entire time I was playing, and I actually did complete it in a decent amount of time because I was so glued to every inch of it that I didn't care to put it down. And it gets decently challenging near the end too! (Not as much as I've grown accustomed to with classic Mario titles, but a challenge is a challenge regardless).


We Were Here Forever

On: PlayStation 5

I played this all the way through with a friend, as you would with an escape room game. And we had an amazing time working together and solving puzzles, we pulled out honest to god paper at one point for a puzzle. We stayed up until 2:30 AM on a weekend to do this, which may sound mild for most but I haven't done that since college! I'm usually in bed by 9 or so due to when I get up for work. But wow oh wow, we were so engaged we couldn't put it down. I'm really chomping at the bit for the next game in this series so we can try and do it again.


The Talos Principle 2

On: PlayStation 5

I was a big fan of The Talos Principle as a puzzle game, and its something that I've completed numerous times across a couple of different consoles (including it's DLC). Well imagine my surprise when I found out that there was a sequel that I hadn't heard of releasing, given that I'm a lot less connected to the gaming space compared to where I used to be. And wow oh wow, is Talos Principle 2 polished. The puzzles return in full force, although I'll argue that they're much easier this time around to make way for the more complicated environmental puzzles, which are in the form of monuments that give you stars. The dialogue is richer too, given the vocal performances and the level of interaction and dialogue selection made available. As usual, there are characters that will pose moral quandaries to you, and then no matter what option you select to say to them, they'll fight with you. And I wouldn't have it any other way.

PowerWash Simulator

On: XBox Series S/X

This carried me in January of this year. Due to the holidays, I had a number of podcasts to catch up on, and this was free through Game Pass, so I went ahead and just zoned out and cleaned. And I loved every single minute of it. Completing this can sort of be a chore, with criteria for cleaning all areas but saving a certain zone until last, but no one ever said I HAD to complete these games, that's just what I like doing. But yeah, regardless, this is a game that I might revisit on PlayStation 5 this upcoming January when I'm once again behind on my audio shows.


Pizza Tower

On: PC/Windows

I will probably never complete this game, and I've come to accept that. But it doesn't mean I won't keep trying. The art style here has a charming grunginess to it, several songs from the soundtrack are catchy as hell and get stuck in my head from time to time, and the biggest plus of all: it's enjoyable to play. The momentum incorporated here feels fantastic, and this is a rare example of a game where I don't feel cheated from time to time. If I fail or mess up, it's entirely on me, not the game. Similar to how I feel playing Super Meat Boy and Cuphead. Glad to welcome this title into that fold.


On: PC/Windows

I played this one all the way through once it college, but deliberately didn't attempt to complete it due to an achievement for speed-running the game. Well, thanks to Completionator's bounty system, I corrected that this time around. And I nearly went crazy with the speedrun, but after viewing a guide just to see how people tend to get faster in the game, I was able to get a run in just barely the time. Aside from that, what else needs to be said? The game has great mechanics that subvert standard platforming rules into an excellent puzzle experience. And so on, and so on.

Luigi's Mansion

On: Nintendo GameCube

Finally got a chance to complete this one, and I'm so happy! A full experience, this is a game I've technically played and beat in the past, but fully going through and completing to get the best rank this time around truly let me appreciate the game for what it was, and just how interesting a concept this was for Nintendo to make, not just as a diversion for Mario but as a launching point for the GameCube itself! I can't wait to revisit this series in the future.


On: PC/Windows

This game was responsible for most of my playtime this year. I started playing it with old friends from college every Monday night, and from there I started up my own world and continued onward from there. Hours and hours dumped into setting up conveyors belts and power poles in a desolate desert as I collected resources and made my life more efficient. I got to the point where I left the game running overnight several times just so I would wake up to collection bins filled with resources. I've waned off it a little bit compared to earlier this year, but I still drop in from time to time since it's in early access currently. Adored this one.


The Last Clockwinder

On: PlayStation VR2

I really need to use my VR equipment more frequently, I just don't have the dedicated space so I always have to pull everything out. But I did so for The Last Clockwinder, and I'm really showing my hand with how much I enjoy puzzle games in this list. I moved my couch and everything for this, because I was getting so into the manic movement of the puzzle solving in this game that I was bumping into things even after I thought I had cleared out a good space for playing in.


On: Sega Genesis

A Genesis game that long eluded me, and I finally gave myself a chance to play it. And it's perfectly fine for a platformer of this generation. I think the reason I liked it as much as I did is due to the head mechanic, where you can launch your skull as a projectile as you manically run about the stages. Also the powerups are fun. Not a lot to say here, it was a fun little time that I don't feel compelled to revisit. Hence it being at the bottom here.

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